MYONET - Atlas Musculature Orofacial System |
Atlas Musculature: Area 1,8,9 |
Erhard Thiele 007e | Atlas Musculature Inventory | MYONET.TOTAL PROGR CONTENTS |
I/8 Musculus levator labii superioris (Upper lip lifter)
Site:/location :Lower eyelid Nose flanks-, Upper lip region |
Abb. 10: Musculus levator labii superioris
Fixation: |
Origo: Oberhalb Foramen infraorbitale |
Insertio : Upper lip skin |
Path: : In a bow down to the Nasal wing medianwards |
Action: Upper lip pursing; disaffection, disgust |
Specialities: : Hyperfunction = Mouth breathing, detracts contact pressure from lateral incisors . |
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I/9. Musculus levator anguli oris
(Mouth Corner Lifter)
Site:/location : Medial region of the lower eyelid, ;mouth corner |
Abb. 11: Musculus levator anguli oris |
Fixation: |
Origo: Beyond Foramen infraorbitale, Fossa canina |
Insertio: Skin and mucosa, mouth corner |
Path: laterally down, M. depressor anguli oris (10) and M. orbicularis oris (4) criscrossing.. Covered by M. levator labii superioris (8) |
Action : Mouth corners lifting in median direction |
Specialities |
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