MYONET - Atlas Musculature Orofacial System |
Atlas Musculature: Inventory |
Erhard Thiele 00b |
Atlas Musculatur Invntory | MYONET.TOTAL PROGR CONTENTS |
of the Myofunctional Therapy
Anatomy and Physiology of the enlarged Orofacialen System / Classification
1 | Anatomy and Physiology of the enlarged Orofacialen System (Cervicocranial System) - anatomical und physiological Fundamentals (Introduction) | |
1.1 | Areal I: The orofacial System | 02 |
1.11 | Map of the Musculature of the Orofacial Systems | 03-09 |
1.1.2 | Discussion of the Physiology of the Muscles of the Area-I Orofacial System | 10 |
1.1.3 | Discourse about the muscular specialities of the Muscles of Area I - Orofacial Syste | 13 |
1.1.4 | Discourse about the muscular faulty functions in the Discussion der Physiologie of the Muscles of the Area-I Orofacial System | 15 |
1.2 | Area II: The Tongue Musculature | 18 |
1.2.1 | Map of the Musculature of the Tongue | |
1.2.2 | Discussion of the Physiology and - | 19 |
-the muscular specialities of the Muscles of Area II - Tongue Musculature | 20 | |
1.2.3 | Discourse about the muscular faulty functions of the Muscle of Area II - Tongue Musculature | 21 |
1.3 | Area III: The Muscles of the Diaphragma Oris and Velum Palatinum | 23 |
1.3.1 | Map of the Musculature of the Diaphragma Oris and Velum Palatinum | 23 |
1.3.2 | Discussion of the Physiology of the Muscles of Area III – Diaphragma Oris and Velum Palatinum | 23 |
1.3.3 | Discourse about the muscular specialities of the Muscles of Area III | 23 |
1.3.4 | Discourse about the muscular faulty functions of the Muscles of Area III – Diaphragma Oris and Velum Palatinum | 24 |
1.3.5 | The Physiology of the Act of Deglutition (airway disease) | 24 |
The Physiology of the Act of Deglutition by Rauber-Kopsch | 25 | |
1.3.6 | The deglutition Mechanism: A Reflex chain and its Links . | 25a |
1.4 | Area IV: The Suprahyoid Musculature | 26 |
1.4.1 | Map of the Musculature of the Suprahyoid Area | 26 |
1.4.2 | Discussion of the Physiology and the muscular specialities and the muscular faulty functions of the Muscles of Area IV – Suprahyoid Musculature | 27 |
1.5 | Areas V und VI: The Subhyoid and Neck Musculature | 28 |
1.5.1 | Map of the Musculature of the Subhyoid Area and the Neck | 29 |
1.5.2 | Discussion of the Physiology and -the muscular Specialities and Muscular Faulty Functions of the Muscles of Area V and VI – Subhyoid and Neck Musculature | 30 |
1.6 | Areal VII: The Mastication Musclesa | 31 |
1.6.1 | Map of the Musculature of the Mastication System | 31 |
1.6.2 | Diskussion der Physiologie mit muskulären Besonderheiten und Fehlaktionen der Muskeln des Areals VII – Kaumuskulatur | 32 |
1.7 | Areal VIII: Die Nackenmuskulatur | 34 |
1.7.1 | Atlas der Muskulatur des Nackenareals | 34 |
1.7.2 | Discussion of the Physiology and the muscular Specialities and Muscular Faulty Functions of the Muscles of Area VIII – Small Neck Muscles | 37 |
1.8 | Area IX: Dorsal Muscles | 37 |
1.8.1 | Map of the Musculature of the Dorsum Area | 37 |
1.8.2 | Discussion of the Physiology of the Muscles of the Area IX, its its Specialities and Faulty Functions. | 37 |