MYONET - Atlas Musculature Orofacial System

Atlas Musculature: Inventory

Erhard Thiele     00b Atlas Musculatur Invntory MYONET.TOTAL PROGR CONTENTS  

Philosophy of the Myofunctional Therapy

Anatomy and Physiology of the enlarged Orofacialen System / Classification

1 Anatomy and Physiology of the enlarged Orofacialen System (Cervicocranial System) - anatomical und physiological Fundamentals (Introduction)


1.1 Areal I: The orofacial System 02
1.11 Map of the Musculature of the Orofacial Systems 03-09
1.1.2 Discussion of the Physiology of the Muscles of the Area-I Orofacial System 10
1.1.3 Discourse about the muscular specialities of the  Muscles of Area I - Orofacial Syste 13
1.1.4 Discourse about the muscular faulty functions in the Discussion der Physiologie of the Muscles of the Area-I Orofacial System 15
1.2 Area II: The Tongue Musculature 18
1.2.1 Map of the Musculature of the Tongue
1.2.2 Discussion of the Physiology and - 19
-the muscular specialities of the  Muscles of Area II - Tongue Musculature 20
1.2.3 Discourse about the muscular faulty functions of the Muscle of Area II - Tongue Musculature 21
1.3 Area III: The Muscles of the Diaphragma Oris and Velum Palatinum 23
1.3.1 Map of the Musculature of the Diaphragma Oris and Velum Palatinum 23
1.3.2 Discussion of the Physiology of the  Muscles of Area  III –  Diaphragma Oris and Velum Palatinum 23
1.3.3 Discourse about the muscular specialities of the  Muscles of Area III 23
1.3.4 Discourse about the muscular faulty functions of the  Muscles of Area  III –  Diaphragma Oris and Velum Palatinum 24
1.3.5 The Physiology of the Act of  Deglutition (airway disease) 24
  The Physiology of the Act of  Deglutition  by Rauber-Kopsch 25
1.3.6 The deglutition Mechanism: A Reflex chain and its Links . 25a
1.4 Area IV: The  Suprahyoid Musculature 26
1.4.1 Map of the Musculature of the  Suprahyoid  Area 26
1.4.2 Discussion of the Physiology  and the muscular specialities  and the muscular faulty functions of the Muscles of Area IV – Suprahyoid Musculature 27
1.5 Areas V und VI: The Subhyoid and Neck Musculature 28
1.5.1 Map of the Musculature of the Subhyoid Area and the Neck 29
1.5.2 Discussion of the Physiology and -the muscular Specialities and Muscular Faulty Functions of the  Muscles of Area V and VI – Subhyoid and Neck Musculature 30
1.6 Areal VII: The Mastication Musclesa 31
1.6.1 Map of the Musculature of the Mastication System 31
1.6.2 Diskussion der Physiologie mit muskulären Besonderheiten und Fehlaktionen der Muskeln des Areals VII – Kaumuskulatur 32
1.7 Areal VIII: Die Nackenmuskulatur 34
1.7.1 Atlas der Muskulatur des Nackenareals 34
1.7.2 Discussion of the Physiology and the muscular Specialities and Muscular Faulty Functions of the  Muscles of Area VIII – Small Neck Muscles 37
1.8 Area IX: Dorsal Muscles 37
1.8.1 Map of the Musculature of the Dorsum Area 37
1.8.2 Discussion of the Physiology of the Muscles of the Area IX, its its Specialities and Faulty Functions. 37