MYONET - Atlas Musculature Orofacial System |
Atlas Musculature: Faulty Functions & Specialities IV |
Erhard Thiele 027e |
| Atlas Musculature Inventory | MYONET.TOTAL PROGR CONTENTS |
1.4.2 Discussion of the Physiology
with the Muscular Specialities and Faulty Functions of the Muscles
of Area I V – Suprahyoid Musculature
Our main studies should be directed on the Orofacial Musculature. In this connection we have stated that muscular actions and influences can not be limited to schematically limited areas. Within the Orofacial System it not only proved difficult to characterise single muscle actions, even the limitation of the specific muscle tracks is complicated through the intertwining and branching of muscles or a diverse and individual shaping. So we have stated that the outer orofacial musculature is dependent upon synergisms or antagonisms of the tongue that the latter is coupled to action units, for example with the oral diaphragm, velum or pharyngeal musculature. Actions of the oral diaphragm again are not imaginable without the muscle loops of the hyoid bone which can be differentiated in those above (supra) and those below (sub) the hyoid. For this musculature it is of importance where the fixing point lies. We see this with the muscle tracks coupled in a string as at the Mandibula or for our muscle "Belt" (picturesque comparison page 11). When in one of these system strings the one end of the musculature is fixed (fix point) the heterolateral side pulls its anchorage point towards the system. This assemblage plays a role for the entire hyoid musculature. Here for example preferential the Os hyoides, the thyroid cartilage, the scapula or, in a limited way, the first rib or the sternum can be moved or, in a wider sense, the head posture changed. This is why muscle actions in our field lead to reactions in the retral or lateral neck region. The latter will have to be discussed briefly later on (Area VIII and IX). But at present it will be the Suprahyoid musculature as far as it is not correlated to the diaphragm or tongue and discussed in that connection. In respect of these limitations there is only one muscle pair to be described which comes down from the cranial base.
IV/1. (M. stylohyoideus)
Site/Location: Slender cylindrical muscle bundle in the gonial angle region, muscle cord, lateral pharynx, some times polygastric or attached to the Digastricus (III/3)-intermediate tendon thus fixing or lifting the hyoidal bone directly to against the subhyoidal musculature. |
Fixation: |
Origo: Processus styloideus (Os styloid.), Basis retral |
Insertio: Hyoid bone corpus, Cornu maius [bicuspidal at the hyoid bone rostral and retral (and/or) intermediate tendon of Digastricus]. |
Path: Slanting fore-, in- and downward in similar direction with Stylopharyngeus in front of it. |
Action: Os hyoids back and upward. |
IV/2. (M. stylopharyngeus)
Site/Location: Intertwining into the pharynx musculature reaching the thyroid cartilage with several fibres functioning thus as its elevator. Furthermore exists a function unit with the pharyngeal muscles (see notes with the Buccinator, I/5. (See special literature for details about that muscle group.) |
Fixation: |
Origo: Styloid process (os styloides.) |
Insertio: pharyngeal musculature, thyroid cartilage. |
Path: Slanting downward |
Action: Cervical viscera upwards |