MYONET - Atlas Musculature Orofacial System

Atlas Musculature: Area VII

Erhard Thiele     031e Atlas Musculature Inventory       MYONET.TOTAL PROGR CONTENTS  

1.6 Areal VII: The Masticatory Muscles

1.6.1 Atlas of the Musculature  of the Masticatory (stomatognathic) System



 VII/1. M. masseter

VII/2. M. temporalis

VII/3. M. pterygoideus medialis

VII/4. M. pterygoideus lateralis


Textfeld: Abb. 30: Pterygoid Muscles (Pterygoides) 
VII/3. big pterygoid muscle
VII/4. small pter. muscle, o = upper, u = lower

Abb. 29: Major Chewing Muscles
VII/1. Masseter, v = frontal; h = dorsal part.
           TS = Temporalis tendon         
VII/2. Temporalis, I = vertical, II = slant,
           III = horizontal fibers


Site  and short description of the single  muscles of Area VII – Chewing muscles – (in tabulation)
Nr.  Musculus Fixation  / Insertion Fixation  / Origin Path Action
VII/1. M. masseter exterior surface ramus mandibulae zygomatic arch


(slant) down-, backward jaw occlusion (protrusion)
VII/2.  M. temporalis muscular process mandibula Facies temporalis,     os frontale, -temporale three directions closure (back-/up-/fore- / pulling)
VII/3.  M. pterygoideus medialis jaw angle interior Processus pterygoideus Os sphenoidale

backward (outward) downward

closure (protrusion)
VII/4. M. pterygoideus lateralis

Processus condylaris

1. skullbase

backward resp. straight

open (side shift )
2. Processus pterygoi- deus