


.speak more accurately - laugh more freely -    

       chew more heartily - swallow more carefully       



From Tongue Athlete to Master Swallower


                                The Training Program

                                       of the Mouth Muscle Function

                                       for young MFT- Athletes


*The training program was created in1986 in the German language as a motivational tool for children undergoing Myofunctional Therapy. It is a supplement to Professor Daniel Garliner's therapy manual (in the original American version: "Treatment Regimen for orofacial Muscle Imbalance and the Deviate Swallow") The team at that time was: The illustrator: Melanie Kaltenegger, children's book author and housewife in Icking near Munich, mother of three children then the age of those for whom this book is intended.The author:Dr. Erhard Thiele, dentist in Kiel,  the editor:   Norbert Netzer , medical and science journalist in Munich, were founding members of the  AK-MFT e.V. Working Group for Myofunctional Therapy e. V.

A note to your coach:  This picture book is supposed to make the communication with  your paediatric patient easier and more entertaining. If you want to look up further information about exercises for children and grown-ups, have a look at  ueb-survey-e ( ,a list of the most common and useful exercises in MFT / Myofunctional Therapy in the Orofacial System and the cranio-cervical region.