< compet-7a |
This picture is supposed toshow you
sitting comfortably on a cosy chair,
not asleep ~
You are looking at the pictures
in your head ! Head cinema!
- pretend you are having
a Ring on your tongue tip
- you are holding it
the Spot.
- now you are doing it with the
- and now just imagine thereare the
three Rings on the back of your tongue,
not really but in your brain cinema,
your phantasy-
from the front, one
after the other
all three of them -
and now? of course! "sawallow", with
eyes staying shut, and just
the spittel from youyourr tongue:
Tongue tip up
2. Middle part follows up
3. Back comes up, too.
> and
Didn't it work? Ofcourse it did! Great!
Or not? Not yet? Try
again - and again.
That 's Brain Training!
And we will need that later on
for your
Sleep exercises throug the night!<
And if that works, we'll continue >