MYONET - Atlas Musculature Orofacial System |
Atlas Musculature: Area I/1 |
Erhard Thiele 003e |
| Atlas Musculature Inventory | MYONET.TOTAL PROGR CONTENTS |
A. Area I: The orofacial System
A.a.I: Map of the Musculature of the Orofacial System
I/ 1. | M. nasalis |
Abb. 2: Inventory of the Musculature |
I/ 2. | M. depressor septi | |
I/ 3. |
M. levator labii superioris et alae nasi |
I/ 4. | M. orbicularis oris | |
I/ 5. | M. buccinator | |
I/ 6. | M. zygomaticus | |
A. maior |
B. minor |
I/ 7. |
M. risorius |
I/ 8. | M. levator labii superioris | |
I/ 9. | M. levator anguli oris | |
I/10. | M. depressor anguli oris | |
I/11. | M. depressor labii inferioris | |
I/12. | M. mentalis | |
I/13. | Platysma myoides | |
(SC) | (Sternocleidomastoideus) |
Location and short description of the single Muscles of Area I - Orofacial System–
I/1. Musculus nasalis (Nose muscle)
1. Pars transversa |
Abb.:3 Musculus nasalis |
Site: Triangular muscle plate, flank of the nose |
Fixation: |
Origo: Canine alveolar process |
Insertio: Tendon plate nasal dorsum, laterally overlayed from M. levator (3) |
Path: slanting up- and median |
Action: |
nasal cartilage towards alveolar process, nostril narrowing; | |
Specialities. mouth breathing in hyperactivity |
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loosening-up with
2. Pars alaris | |
Site: Nasal wing/upper lip |
Fixation: |
Origo: : Alveolar process of the upper lateral incisor |
Insertio: |
a, Nostril skin; |
b, lateral nasal septum and upper lip |
Path: upward diverging |
Action: Nostril opener, , Sniff, Gape |
Specialities: supplement for mouth breathing |
Muscleexercises:having followed this link get back to this page with 'arrow back' on your browser BLOWING NOSTRILS, AMAZEMENT | |