MYONET - Atlas Musculature Orofacial System |
Atlas Musculature: Area I/2,3 |
Erhard Thiele 004e |
| Atlas Musculature Inventory | MYONET.TOTAL PROGR CONTENTS |
I/2. Musculus depressor septi (Nasal septum lowering)
Site:/location lateral root of the nose |
Abb. 4: Musculus depressor septi |
Fixation: | |
Origo: Alveolar process upper middle incisor |
Insertio: Cartilagenious nose septum |
Path: Up and forward | |
Action: Tip of the nose down |
Specialities: Hyperfunction = deceptively shortened upper lip. Passive stretching against cramped mouth slit closure |
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I/3. Musculus levator labii superioris et alae nasi
Site:/location. |
Abb. 5: Musculus levator labii superioris et alae nasi |
Fixation: |
Origo: Lateral root of the nose (processus frontalis maxillae) and superior ophthalmic margin, medial |
Insertio: Skin of upper lip and nasal wing | |
Path: Transversal medial-down | |
Action: Nasal region upwards | |
Specialities: Lifting nasal wing (-tip) and upper lip. Nose wrinkling, take a deep breath. ”short upper lip” | |
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