MYONET - Atlas Musculature Orofacial System |
Atlas Musculature: Faulty Actions, I |
Erhard Thiele 015e |
| Atlas Musculature Inventory | MYONET.TOTAL PROGR CONTENTS |
1.1.4 Analysis of the muscular faulty actions in the discussion of the physiology of the muscles of area I.
– Orofacial System –
As already mentioned in the preceding chapter (see also citation from Gray’s Anatomy, [58, S. 533] there are quite view observations carried out in a validly scientific manner. One reason for this certainly is that we still tend too much to sub-divide the human body too strictly in our observations (and special fields) letting the orofacial system end at the rim of the border line drawn by ourselves.
If we again and again are aware of the fact that minute changes within the musculature of the head entail a re-adjustment of its balanced position we consequently should consequently perceive that in an upright standing human during the acts of chewing or speaking constantly the musculature of the toes has to be active too. A temporary or perhaps constant hyper or hypo tonicity in parts of the orofacial musculature will consequently trigger a chain of muscle actions running right down to the feet. From the view of a physicist this is an elementary natural science question of the handle laws. This chain of muscle actions sometimes appears to us in an insistent manner as, for example, in the Tetraplegia when muscle actions go off which can not dosed in their intensity and, thus, may bring the whole body out of its muscular balance. What commonly happens simultaneously to an opening in the whole body in an uneventful manner now gets excessive and, thus, becomes visible in an accentuated disruptive manner? Through Trough our body construction we not only have to balance a ball on a stick but an eccentrically and rotating on a small sticks put upon each other (see picture 32). This balance is protected in each level in a most sensitive and delicate way by tracks of muscles and tendons. Each from outside induced, tolerated change of the balance has an effect on the tonicity of the musculature. If this happens in an unvarying mode over hours, and in reiterations over years this must cause transformations (wrong clothes, shoes, postures during work or habits, as well, with consequences upon muscle actions and tonicity). But herein also lies the success by therapy with selective physiological muscle exercises. This is evidently not only valid not only for our field of interest. In Myofunctional Therapy in the orofacial system we may therefore be useful not only in "our" region but on the whole body as well. Moreover we can gain the frequently observed improvement in the mental basic attitude having gained success in the muscular physiology through a group effort together with the patient. To make success possible we need to be able to asses the given situation and comprehend the hidden defect. With the help of the listed up register of the orofacial musculature we therefore will assess where failures might occur. We might expect that dysfunctions are projected upon muscle groups in the same way as eufunctions. Therefore the question might be asked whether it makes sense to imagine the action of one single muscle. From the observation of a single muscle we al least may get valuable perceptions about the capability of this single muscle.
This will give us the opportunity to make the complex bunch of dysfunctions transparent. As the illustrative pictures again will serve the three-dimensional image of the ball-shell arrangement and the two-dimensional wheel spoke structure of the outer musculature.