MYONET - Atlas Musculature Orofacial System |
Atlas Musculature: Faulty Actions, I,1,2,3,4 |
Erhard Thiele 016e |
| Atlas Musculature Inventory | MYONET.TOTAL PROGR CONTENTS |
I/1. (M. nasalis)
Hypertension of this muscle pulls the more medianwards situated region of the upper lip up and i8n centripetal direction thus making the Rima oris snap open with the lip dragged upwards as seen with the mouthbreathers.The centripetal pressure is hence shifted upward and away from the tooth surface to the margin of the alveolar bone and tooth root region making the teeth tilt. if, further, the Orbicularis joins in and more over the Mentalis tries, as an auxiliary action, to keep the lips shut this means a potentiation of the centripetal component with significant effects for the canines. In hypotension we see the upper lip markedly full and softly swung consequently shifting the balance centrifugally.
Regarding the faulty actions and their respective myofunctional therapeutic possibilities you will find the following section inserted in the survey of the musculature: Muscleexercises:having followed this link get back to this page with 'arrow back' on your browser It gives a link to the useful MFT-Exercises. In this case this would be
We have already discussed the "too short upper lip" which does rather not exist as a primary texture damage (unless lesion caused) but existing as a consequence of a continuous hyperactivity of the M. mentalis and accordingly should be corrected through MFT-exercises. As with all disorders mentioned here, as with all disorders in general, they do not occur as a strict typos but rather as a whole spectrum of most different degrees. On this basis we will have to understand the "too short upper lip" and its genesis/therapy. Respectable, indeed, is the success of treatment of this situation as S. Codoni describes it in ”Möglichkeiten der MFT bei Tetraspastikern” [31]. Here notably the upper lip manual massaging has been applied. This may give rise for some fundamental reflection about muscle spasm and its therapy approach. The manual massaging represents curing through passive stretching of the muscle fibres. Many other MFT-exercises embody the type of active stretching treatment where the patient is leading his muscles out of the spasm by an aimed movement. Assuming that a muscle spasm is existing when more or les numerous fibrils are contracted and are staying in this state, this leading to inflammation and a state of pain what, again, is followed by protective spasms in the vicinity of the contracted fibrils (Myogelosis) finally ending in a vicious circle with an expansive tendency. The origin of this primary spasm might have been a lowered stimulus threshold within the muscle or a too high resting or function tonicity. As a consequence this musculature should be retrained but the spasm might as well be nursed with heat treatment, massaging (passive stretching of the fibrils) and gymnastics (active stretching). ( see Myofunktionelle Therapie 2, chapter about muscle spasms): How do we see the "too short upper lip" from that point of view? It is not a piece of fabric which has shrivelled; the only thing is, it is under the present conditions not able to enable a physiological mouth slit closure. The above mentioned training possibilities are strenuous but they lead to a reshaping of the texture. Muscle Training: |
I/2. (M. depressor septi) – Similar to the problem discussed under I/1. It is at the one hand the antagonist to the Nasalis but further frequently leads to the compression of the upper lip in a concerted reaction.
I/3. (M. levator labii superioris et alae nasi) The muscle works mainly in a two-dimensional way which lends him a steering function for moulding forces in shifting the oral fissure (Rima oris) vertically (up and down) especially in synergism with the Mm. Nasalis (1) and Depressor septi (2) for the medial and lateral lip region. Hypofunction results in a drooping upper lip, hyperfunction in a habitually open mouth position (OMP). It is also listed as two separate muscles: M. levator lab.sup. and M. lev. alae nasi.
I/4. (M. orbicularis oris) With a classification of the Orbicularis divided in a circular, tabular and radially complected layout it might be complicated to itemise every combination possibility of a gradual hyper- resp. hypo-tonia (tonicity). Alternatively we will start from the faulty posture trying to explain its root. (see also remarks about the "Belt-Comparison on page 11).
– Hypertension without a larger synergism in the vicinity results in a more two-dimensional effect and, for example, a small tipped mouth (CHERRY MOUTH). Partial hypertension of the Pars marginalis pulls the vermillion inwards - the basic position for gnawing the lips, upper and lower lip at a time or simultaneously. Reacting in the working tone it represents the first step in the physiological course of the deglutition reflex chain.
- in combination with the radially eradiating fibres and facultative with the 'wheel-spoke'-fibres results in acting upon single teeth or even interdental spaces mostly showing a single tooth torsion or retrusion as well as the collapse of the dental arch.
- Hypertension of the complete lower lip effects the intrusion of a lip tissue bulge between upper and lower incisors creating layered front teeth (overjet) without occlusal contact.
Furthermore we can imagine the mouth slit being puckered or reaped, further drooping to one side, the vermillion or the lip inner surface gnawed at or stacked between the teeth masticatory surfaces. We will, first, observe the defect and the trace it left, analyse it then and project it on the musculature introduced here and, thus, gain the capability to hold special muscle tracks accountable for the pathological state and assign the respective harmonising function training to them.
Muscleexercises:having followed this link get back to this page with 'arrow back' on your browser
In principle we hereby have mentioned all possible combinations. Hypertension or hypotension in a two-dimensional scope result in a shifting (warping) of the inside / outside load (page 10) equilibria between hyper-/hypotensions with the respective three-dimensional component for muscles which are superimposed upon others, which are anchored in bone over the short distance or take part in our "belt"-team adding directly to the over- / under-loading in the centripetal component. Under this aspect a word should be added about the Mm. buccinator and risorius: