MYONET - Atlas Musculature Orofacial System |
Atlas Musculature: Area IV,1 |
Erhard Thiele 026e |
| Atlas Musculature Inventory | MYONET.TOTAL PROGR CONTENTS |
1.4 Area IV: The Suprahyoid Musculature (Epihyoid Mm)
1.4.1 Map of the Musculature of the Suprahyoid Area
The musculature here discussed consists of the muscle pair IV/1 and IV/2, the Mm. stylohyoideus und stylopharyngeus. All further muscles that are counted to the suprahyoids have already been mentioined in other connection and, thus, show their Area number in the respective inventory behind the specification.
IV/2. IV/3. IV/4. IV/5. IV/6. IV/7. |
M. stylohyoideus
M. stylopharyngeus M. digastricus M. styloglossus M. genioglossus M. geniohyoideus M. hyoglossus |
SH SP DG (III,3) SG (II,A,1) GG (II,A,2) GH (III,1) HG (II,A,3)
Abb. 26: Suprahyoid Musculature
Location and Short Description of the single Muscles of Area IV – Suprahyoid Musculature –
(See end of next page)