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229 General Chapter |
Myofunktional Exercise Collect ion |
Application: |
This chapter gives a general description of a collective group of exercises and details which are sharing the here described facts. These exercises are including all methods which imply an aspect of Orientation and will be applied in cases of impaired Coordination. Perception and reaction will here be insufficient and not well-matched. Especially in the Stomatognathic field this is frequently combined with a domination of the inner orofacial muscle tonicity (pressure); speech problems are another typical symptom. See also ESTHETICS |
Contents: |
Mainly exercises with a manipulation component (MANIPULATION EXERCISE) shall help to create a spatial feeling (Stereognosis) of the musculature under a concentrated self observation and control of the Motor (Kinaesthesia) and Sensory (Aesthesia) Function. |
Materials: |
Devices and appliances for the (visual) self control (Video sequences – ‘cut scenes’-, mirrors, Feed-back materials, instruments for stimulation). |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: A potential Mobilisation will have to be finished for the musculature in the target area to have the full movement frame and sense of space available. Likewise the surface sensitivity will have to be prearranged. The exercises for the Orientation and those discussed here are fluently merging into each other. On this field for the restitution an option is at hand for composing INCREASE-ARRANGEMENTS of: |
- Step-by-step-description: -1 Surface Sensitivity > -2 Depth Sensitivity to reach > -3 Homoiostereognosis with which the organ may feel itself, proceeding to > -4 Organstereognosis with which it can empathise in the organ surrounding textures (organ bed), graduating to > -5 Heterostereognosis for feeling out and identifying foreign bodies and , finally, > -6 Periphery stereognosis for the relation body versus environment/neighbourhood (see table below). |
-Timing: Exercise specific. In view of the total therapy planning these exercises are ranking in the start phase. The skills mediated are the basic conditions for functional muscle actions. |
Characteristics: |
(On this see table at the end of the chapter). |
Remarks: |
In cases of maladjusted Stereognosis among with Hypersensitivity – these systems frequently tend to Hypermotility – there should be a first attempt to down-regulate the Neurotonicity with sedating exercises. |
Discussion: |
Stereognosis is ranking as the next higher therapy level following Sensitation and Orientation which are the indispensable basis as they firstly open up the capacity of perception. The ancient Greek part of the word gnosis (identification) points at the fact that with the Stereognosis the identification of the sensed matter takes place and at the same time the association and planning of the reaction. These capacities are of major importance for the health maintenance and their facilities significantly differentiated being the reason for dividing the Stereognosis into sub groups to allow a precise characterisation of the exercises (see table below). In the follow the tongue will serve as an example for explaining the connotation. If it shows sufficient skill in Sensitivity its > -Homoio stereognosis will be able to feel its own existence. With the > - Organ stereognosis it will be able to find its bearings within the Cavum Oris and with the> - Hetero stereognosis (fluent passage) to validate, accommodate and identify foreign bodies and the foodstuff. These exercises do not practice muscle functions but they rather train the function to guide and employ them basing on the comparison with the memory tracing. For reference see Fig. GUESS-THE-FORM. Other chapters describing general terms are showing at their end a list of exercises which purport the respective characteristics; the list is missing in this chapter because the superior number of exercises from our catalogue is working with or on the base of those triggers. |
Autostereognosis - Orientation towards the own organism
Extrinsic Stereognosis - spatial relation to the immediate surroundings
Corporal Stereognosis - total system posture
Organ bed Stereognosis - individual organ posture
Organ Stereognosis - individual organ posture
Intrinsic Stereognosis - state of the organ
Heterostereognosis -identification of exogenous substrates. |
Instructions: See instructions for the respective exercises. |