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254 General Chapter |
Myofunktional Exercise Collect ion |
Application: |
Tonicity (Tone) is an, on all neuromuscular processes, very frequently used special term. Therefore it seems necessary to define it sufficiently before using it in a discussion. So, for diagnosing, treatment planning and therapy we are going to find an assessment of the tonicity of the target area. Therefore a precise definition follows to define what we are talking about. The tone of the total organism shows no uniform value but should be seen as a state resulting from the state of tonicity of the multitude of single feed-back circuits which make up and define the status of the whole organism ( this therefore will, as the sum of these single ‘statuses’ not be definable precisely, particularly since at best being in a situation of steady-state.) Commonly the one system just being in action will have a somewhat higher level. This will, more or less, affect the neighbouring synergistic or antagonistic systems. For the compliance.between patient and therapist it is necessary to create the awareness of the status of tonicity as to make it accessibly to the deliberate influence upon it. To accomplish that properly here the different achievable states of tone shall be listed up. . The chosen succession represents the rising degree of tonus. |
Discussion: |
Muscle-Tonus; this is the fifth jigsaw piece on the ladder of qualities forming the jigsaw picture representing the Physiologic Frame (picture). There certainly are to be expected system immanently different physiological tones predetermined. It is the question whether the state to be defined concerns the neuro or the myo tonus. Within a feed-back circuit a clear definition might be difficult though sometimes quite desirable. Using fpr the present discussion the superordinate term Tonus we will get started with the lowest degree the tonus may accept, i.e zero;
Atony Is a nonphysiological state which means that the system ids uncoupled from its neural supply – the feed-back circuit is interrupted. The next, being the lowest physiological level, represents the Resting tone. We should find it in a regenerative deep sleep. It is followed by the consciously obtainable status of Relaxation for a longer period of resting where the whole system may regenerate in the state of wakefulness. A short recovery between working phases will succeed Recreationtonus, deliberately ‘taking a deep breath’ before the next strain.; here the tonicity is somewhat lower then with the Stand-by tonicity existing just before launch into another action having a bias tension adapted to the expected load. Quite a special exceptional position is occupied by the situation of Imagination an interesting outlier American sports physicians were able to measure in a special experimental design – intense imagination of a muscular action but without any detectable action potentials is, after a longer period of training resulting in an increase of muscle force. Working tone, finally, the action tonus (fibrillating) is adapted through the feedback effect to the desired effectiveness; in contrary to the resting or the stand-by tone it shows no basic definition. Hypotone a neuromuscular system will be called that does not meet the requirements requested. Hypertonicity, for example, occurring in cases of spasms or cramps but may also happen from an incorrect work posture when certain system complexes stay strained over longer periods. Another manifestation of this kind is the MMS the Multiple Movement Syndrome with myogeloses and joint degeneration. For the MFT it is important to adjust an adequate resting and stand-by tonus which will create a healthy balance with other collaborating systems. The highest degree of tonicity would again be non-physiological and topped by transgression of the physiological borderline , i.e. the Cramp or spasm with a simultaneous maximal charge for all fibrous elements respectively irritability of the neural control. In the long term it is tissue damaging. |
Definition of the states of tonicity (listet up in the succession of increasing strength) |
Atonia (Temporary) separation from the neural supply Rest Deep sleep Relaxation Consciously induced lengthy resting phase Recreation Short-term action interruption Standby Getting ready to act Imagination Intensive imagining of an action Working Action tone (fibrillation) Spasm Simultaneous maximum straining of all fibre elements. Each of these conditions is per se associated with a position/posture of the respective organ or sub-section. For the field of Neuromotor function in the word tonicity state we may replace the part ‘state’ with ‘position’.It will then read: rest-position, stand-by position or spasm position (respectively ‘posture’). At first sight we swill anyway diagnose the prevailing state from the eye-catching posture. |
Tonicity |
Atonality (Temporary) separation from the neural supply |
Rest Deep sleep |
Relaxation Consciously induced lengthy resting phase |
Recreation Short-term action interruption |
Standby Getting ready to act |
Imagination Intensive imagining of an action |
Hold Static Action tone |
Working Dynamic Action tone (fibrillation) |
Spasm Simultaneous maximum straining of all fiber elements |