MYONET - Atlas Musculature Orofacial System |
Atlas Musculature: Area I,4,5 |
Erhard Thiele 005e | Atlas Musculature Inventory | MYONET.TOTAL PROGR CONTENTS |
I/4. Musculus orbicularis oris
Abb. 6: Musculus orbicularis oris |
Site:/location |
Fixation: |
Origo: intermediate tendon standing vertically towards the mouth slit and upper/lower alveolar processes in the front, Incisor juga (= Musculus incisivus superior/inferior) |
Insertio: intermediate tendon and neighbouring skin and mucosa | |
Path: |
Pars marginalis: Prolabium, uncinated outwards into the skin in die Haut | |
Pars lateralis: Upper border Nose septum, lower border Mental plica = basic framework | |
Rectussystem: leading radially into the upper lip , Upper lip edge (M. depressor septi, I/2)) | |
- all muscles from the neighbourhood leading into the Orbicularis, coalesce or get woven together with its fibres |
Action: Movable also in parts through inter tendons , else ring closure. |
Pars marginalis = tender mouth | |
Pars labialis = Trunk |
as for the scheme see also following text . (Tripartition:: marginalis, medialis, labialis) | |
many variations trough junctional fibres., „Sucker mouth“, „firm lips“, open mouth slit, rhagades. |
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I/5. Musculus buccinator (Horn blower muscle)
Abb. 7a, b: Musculus buccinator |
I/5. Musculus buccinator (Horn blower muscle)
Site:/location |
Fixation: |
Origo: Horseshoe-shaped, threepart: Alveolar bone of the upper molars – Raphe pterygo- mandibularis – lower molar bone (crista buccinatorica). |
Insertio: mouth corner intermediate tendon, Intertwining Orbicularis with overlap upper, lower fibres towards the lip, marginal fibres straight, as M. buccolabialis as well, fibres partially till Mentalis and insertion in the premolar region; attached to the inner surface of the mucosa. |
Path: From the retral cheek region medianwards to the mouth corner region. |
Action: Pressure- and masticatory antagonist of the tongue. Air stream support with blowing, anchoring the mouth corners respectively lateral pull.. |
Specialities . Hyperfunction = cheek crests, jaw bone compression. A sinewy entangling between the M. constrictor pharyngis superior and M. buccinator, the Raphe pterygomandibularis binds the vauces constrictor into the action group of the swallow reflex. The Constrictor pharyngis superior together with the Velum palatinum closes the Nasopharynx against the nasal cavity. |
Muscleexercises:having followed this link get back to this page with 'arrow back' on your browser: CHEEK MUSCLE EXERCISES, BALLOON, WIDE GRIN , LETTER SLOT, GIDDY-UP' ,TONOMETER EXERCISES |