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035 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collection |
Application: |
Klick picture to enlarge |
Strengthening of the lip and cheek musculature (see chapter Anatomy: „Gürtel-Gespann“ [Belt muscles] ) for its holding strength as well, as the pharyngeal closure of the cavum oris (dorsal cavum respectively pharynx muscles) in case of hypo-tone (sleep apnoe, mouthbreathing, insufficient lip closure or DOWN-Syndrome.). |
Contents: |
Coarse –static strain of the cheek muscles in a stretched position, of the lip closure to hold a device (straw) under an intensified holding tension of the Velum closure against the pharynx. Keeping and controlled pouring (pressing) out of an enlarged air volume under simultaneously continued nose-breathing. This exercise involves a high degree of coordination! |
Materials: |
Drinking straw, thin rubber tube (catheter). |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: An appropriate pre-exercise would be the BALLOON which makes the patient hold an enlarged air volume in the mouth hole while continuously breathing on through the nose. |
-Starting position:-should be the ,L-M’-POSITION. |
- Step-by-step-description: -1 The straw is held centred between the lips, in special cases (see “Discussion”) unilaterally. -2 The opposite end of the straw is shut off with a fingertip (variations see under “Discussion”) respectively the outpouring air stream intensity is controlled. -3 Close the straw opening with a finger pad and blow up the mouth (balloon) strongly… -4 …from now on go on breathing through the nose regularly. -5 With a tilting of the closing fingertip a faint continuous stream of air will be released (or alternately pressed out) from the straw opening. -6 When the air capacity in the mouth runs low the backward closure towards the pharynx is opened for a short time to refill the oral cavity amply with air again whithout interrupting the continuous air flow through the straw. It will not be interrupted by the refill measure. (Backpipes principle). This does need some experience! |
-Timing: A special prescription for the timing of the work-out is not necessary. The exercise may be lied out in an integrated phase as a sequence or as an INCREASE-ARRANGEMENT together with a precursory BALLOON exercise. |
Characteristics: |
Crude motor, rather static, manipulation, stretching, tone increase, coordination. |
Remarks: |
Particular emphasis should be put on the continuity of breathing on and the continuous stream of air flowing out of the straw. The exercise is, as mentioned, quite complicated through its muscle coordination and should, thus, be put into action only referring to the capability of the individual patient. |
Discussion: |
This exercise is a follow-up program to the BALLOON and may, therefore, be combined with it as a series in an INCREASE-ARRANGEMENT combining it with another exercise to be following, the WATERPUMP. For adults this exercise is especially suitable with pharynx closure problems as mouth-breathing, snoring or for patients of the sleep laboratory. With DOWN patients this exercise may gain therapeutic success ( as said before) if the receptivity of the patient will permit. In case of unilateral loss of motor qualities in the Orbicularis the straw may be held between the lips shifted to one side (UNILATERAL EXERCISE). A more complicated exercise variation which is not included in this catalogue might be especially fitting for sleep apnoe patients as the tongue posture is included; see chapter WATERPUMP paragraph “Discussion”. A further modification having motivative components might perhaps rather perturb the training flow: A straw is needed with its paper cover. The cover is carefully opened at one side and pulled forward one centimetre. Now it may be shot off by a sudden puffing out of the mouth volume. Similarities to this are found with stuffing tiny paper balls into one end of the straw to be shot out by puffing air into the straw. Most interestingly a certain therapy method which could nearly be called a maxime has chosen those blow exercises to build up a, how they are calling it there, Hierarchy of blow exercises (Trumpets and Bubbles) and is covering most of the treatment with it. See also Talk-Tools respectively . |
Instructions: |
Cheek, lip and throat muscles have to be strengthened. Our new exercise is not really easy. There are musicians, of course with wind instruments, for example the oboists, which are playing their instruments with this technique. It is most useful to exercise the BALLOON before. Now you take a thin pipe as a drinking straw between your lips and shut the other end with a finger tip. Then the mouth is blown up like a balloon. Next you go on breathing calmly and steadily through your nose with your cheeks left blown up. And it is still getting more complicated: The finger shutting the straw loosens a bit tilting to the side and letting some air seep out. Slowly the BALLOON of the mouth empties. |