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032 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collection |
Application: |
There exist three different WORDEXERCISES, each especially for one of the three thirds of the tongue. These exercises are used in case of a functional tongue problem. They are built up in a way to be performed in an INCREASE-ARRANGEMENT and planned in the principle of the UNIT-CONSTRUCTION-SYSTEM. The here discussed exercise is mainly applied for the rostral region to be, later on, accomplished by the exercises for the second and, finally, third tongue third ( see there). Here, as with the other WORDEXERCISES, no single muscle track training is fostered but reflex-chains controlled. |
Contents: |
The exercise trains the function-kinetic reflex of the first tongue-third in the forming of sounds through an acoustic feedback. |
Materials: |
A tag containing the exercise sentences. TINGLING TRUMPET TONES TOPPLE A TOWER DOZENS OF DAFFODILS DUMPED IN THE DOWNFALL LONELY LITTLE LAMBS LIFT LIMB LEGS Tape recordings may be used as a control. |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises:The phases of Sensitation Orientation and Mobilization should be completed. |
-Starting position: Not obligatory. Favourable the ,L-M-POSITION. |
- Step-by-step-description: -1 The therapist pronounces each line slowly and excessively clear. The contact of the first tongue-third with the palate (The POINT) is explicitly pointed out. The patient will watch to feel this contact consciously during articulation. -2 The therapist places a fingertip on the very part of the palate where the tongue is going to touch it. -3 The sentences are pronounced slowly and plainly starting with the sentence with T solely. -4 followed by the D-line then -5 the sentence wit L. -6 All three lines are cited spoken together, slowly and over-clearly. This may be done in a whisper, too. |
-Timing: After the introductional training of the partial exercises until step -5, with step -6, then, it is forming one sequence. Up to ten sequences may be combined to a series. |
Characteristics: |
Feedback, Kinesthesis, function-kinetic reflex. |
Remarks: |
Only the mentioned slow and coordinate speech leads to the success desired. |
Discussion: |
The three word exercises are rather no logopaedic ones. They should only be applied in connection with the respective exercises for each third of the tongue. within the therapy schedule and should rather be put in towards the end of the training phase for the particular tongue-third after the Orientation and Eutonization have taken place. These exercises are correctly practicable with an excellent coordination only. They are functional exercises but will be planned already for the respective tongue-third and not finally at the end of the general work-out as they are, other then with swallow exercises, indeed, rather refined to the single thirds of the tongue. With manifest articulation problems they will not substitute a linguistic schooling while leading often to a reasonable success in combination with the other muscle exercises. The follow-up exercises, here, are logically the WORDEXERCISES for the second and third tongue-third. These are equally applied at the respective end of the specific tongue-third (see there). |
Instructions: |
The tongue will learn to say words correctly here with its front part the first third. In this position the letters T, D and L are formed. If you bring them about in another way they will sound unprecise and you will not be able to avoid sprinkling droplets while speaking, spitting, as people call that and this is really not nice! The following words must be spoken as if reading them to somebody very clearly. Watch, how the tongue touches the palate, or precisely, the tip the POINT: TINGLING TRUMPET TONES TOPPLE A TOWER DOZENS OF DAFFODILS DUMPED IN THE DOWNFALL LONELY LITTLE LAMBS LIFT LIMB LEGS To be repeated ten times loudly and clearly with feeling very attentively how the tongue moves. |