





to the Catalogue







   General Chapter


Myofunktional Exercise  Collect ion


no illustration

This chapter gives a general description of a sensible combination of exercises to form an integrative  overall training procedure.


This method is, for example, applied to compose a well-aimed overall training procedure for a well-defined single symptom or disorder.

An initially simple and easily practicable muscle action (static or dynamic) is complemented stepwise and in a logical succession from therapy phase to therapy phase by further exercises. Each further building block upgrades and improves the muscle action and thereby  gets it nearer and nearer to the therapy goal – the required physiological and functional action.

Progress will only then be granted if any building block, every brick is mastered completely.

The gradual steps must be physically as well as mentally completely comprehensible by the patient and further constantly reconstructable and retreavible.


The motivational effect, though, is sparse so this principle may be viewed rather fitting for adult patients as it is based on logic and principle.

This, again, presumes that the patient is constantly informed about the procedure and its backgrounds.



Contents are the well-known MFT exercises which are put together to a therapy course. They should be arranged in a way, that functionally consecutive muscle actions are correspondingly assigned.

The highly complicated deglutition reflex for example can be composed stepwise with this method. In parts this is described in the chapter  ,1-2-3’-EXERCISE.

But also the more simple problems can be planned therapeutically after this concept (see paragraph ABLAUF).


However, this way to build up a therapy course should rather less be called a ‘therapy concept’ as, for example considering that, a complete integrated motivation background is missing.


Exercise specific.


- Previous exercises:

are not provided; each exercise stands for a pre-exercise for the next building block.

-Starting position:

- Step-by-step-Description:

-1 The  MENTALIS MASSAGE would, at first, induce a solely passive tissue loosening followed by

-2 the MENTALIS STRETCH, with an initially as well passive, later on  though, active stretching of the musculature.

These efforts may be flanked with purely manipulated exercises

-3  CHUBBY LIP which, however, works solely mechanically and might rather be substituted by the following exercise. 

-4  GORILLA. Here an active stretching takes place which may be controlled and reinforced by the patient

-5  SALINEKEEPING might be applied next when the patient has largely gained control over the lower Vestibulum. The action mechanism is presumably negative motivational but inevitably helps to a better loosening of the  Mentalis spasms while possibly as the next step the exercise 

-6 BALLOON with one of its versions will add to a simultaneous aimed loosening and stretching.

Next may follow deliberate, kinetic, controlled antagonistic movement against the cramping direction with the

-7  ,E’-EXERCISE with its variations

in the static and following

in the kinetic mode.

-8 ,M-O-I’ will, the, be an exercise for the static coordination of Mentalis and Orbicularis (, Buccinator),

followed from the fine-motor kinetic coordination exercise

-9 CONDUCTEUR which encourage self control. For the habituation the exercise

-10 ,L-M'-POSITION will be rehearsed and, with the usual aids and measures prescribed for the night time as well. The final goal , the

-11 BASIC-POSITION then requires the cooperation of many neighbourly muscle areas.

The latter exercise might be an example for a branching out into stepwise upgrades for the participating muscle if its condition requires. But already at the ,M-O-I’ a necessary branching out could set off  if it has proved that Mobility or Motility of the Orbicularis would need some care.

In that case in the meantime or simultaneously ORBICULARIS-EXERCISES would be prescribed.


Generally exercises should be interposed which are thwarting the current one in the manner of  an ALTERNATIVE EXERCISE or which function as solving the overstressing as, for example, the BABBLE .

- Timing:

 is not generally prescribed as the course itself represents the timing while the timing of every single exercise stays unchanged (see the respective chapter).


Exercise dependent (see respective exercise).


This way of arranging frequently means planning an overall training concept and, thus, must be carried out quire thoroughly after a conclusive establishing of the diagnosis; the development of the disease respectively of the therapy may well entail a thorough change of plan.


An extensive discussion of the method may not be required through the above discussion.

A further example for the UNIT CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM will be the BASIC-POSITION which is composed of the SITTING-POSITION  and the RESTPOSITION, just as the latter again is put together from several modules (see there).

Superficially viewed there might be seen a certain similarity with the principle of the  INCREASE-ARRANGEMENT though the following difference should be emphasized:  In the here discussed training structure the building blocks (exercises) are linked together under the viewpoints to establish the function of the respective target musculature.

With the principle INCREASE-ARRANGEMENT again the procedure would be ruled by sports medicine or muscle physiology . The consecutive exercises consecutively make higher demands on the capacity of the respective neuromuscular system or subsystem. The muscle has to be in the position to comply with the requirements which will arise later on during the functional action. This fact makes it possible to join these two systems.


See the respective single exercises.