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089 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collect ion |
Application: |
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This exercise is presumably deployed for the Mandibula adductors with hypertone, hyperactivity or hypermotility (pressing, grinding). It is the aim to relieve the adductor muscles and to motivate the patient psychically to overcome the obsession to strain the target musculature. (Anatomy: Page 19). |
Contents: |
Ostensibly the exercise displays a hold exercise. The original significance lies in the intention to get the patient used to a start-position which he may fall back on as soon as he is sensing adductor hyperactivity or as he wants to avoid it. |
Materials: |
Not required | |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: The patient should have been offered exercises to find the POINT, BASIC-POSITION and to control the lateral extension of the tongue.( SLENDER TONGUE) |
-Starting position: To be taken up for example the BASIC-POSITION . |
- Step-by-step-description: -1 The patient prepares himself mentally for realizing the adductor hyperactivity (possibly by TEETHCLICKING). -2 The tongue tip is positioned on to the POINT: “I am supporting the jaw by the tongue muscles.” -3 The posture will be maintained. |
-Timing: Generally the patient will try to keep this position constantly; especially before falling asleep it should be taken up. |
Characteristics: |
Sensitation, homoiostereognosis, habituation, motivation (to self control), Myobalance, stand-by position, tone decrease. |
Remarks: |
Basic position for “grinders and pressers” with temporo-madibular complaints. |
Discussion: |
A great number, especially elderly patients, suffers from hyperactivity or hyperkinesis of the adductor musculature and its resulting conditions. In a number of exercises it is hinted on this. The actual exercises should put the patient in a state to by-pass the noxious habit by an alternative posture. |
Instructions: |
We can do a lot of wrong things with our chewing muscles and this will have malicious consequences. If you do not chew at the very moment they should always stay in their resting position! At first you should get a demonstration what it is about this resting position, especially for the mandible and the tongue tip. If the jaw wants to get shored up there is a possibility to do that with the, for our case so vicious, way with the chewing muscles and by the teeth, but over the tongue musculature. To do this the tongue tip is merely positioned on the POINT, the small mucous lump in the middle of the palate just behind the upper incisors. This is anyway its usual seat. Now you may now and then press your tongue with its tip against the POINT to support the jaw in this way and not through the teeth. This bestows hold, the tongue knows where it belongs and the teeth, chewing muscles and joints are protected. Especially before going to sleep you should get accustomed to this posture (best with a sort of mental training). |