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025 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collection |
Application: |
This exercise outliners the body posture to be assumed before starting the training. It is composed of the SITTING-POSITION of the body and the PAUSE-POSITION of the stomathognatic system. The exercise is especially advisable as the starting position for patients with an obviously poor body posture. |
Contents: |
Eutonic well-balanced head and trunk posture as the starting position for MFT-exercises within a physiologic stand-by tone. See description of mainly the vertebral collum musculature [037]. |
Materials: |
A seat being a stool without a back or a training ball with a height enabling the patient to position the thighs parallel to the floor (see also SITTING-POSITION). |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: It is recommendable to, separately, train the SITTING-POSITION first (See patient suitable description with comparison in paragraph ‘instructions’) and subsequently the PAUSE-POSITION. It may, perhaps, as well be carried out together in the here described manner. |
-Starting position: The patient sits down, places the feet in font of the seat side by side on the floor and lays the hands down on the thighs. |
- Step-by-step-description: -1 The SITTING-POSITION is taken up and held for at least half a minute. With that the trunk with spine head chin and shoulders should be well-balanced. -2 Next is the PAUSE-POSITION for the Stomatognathic and Orofacial systems in its synthesis of the craniocervical system; mandible, tongue ans lip musculature should now comprise a slightly tensed tone, the starting tonicity (stand-by tone) for further actions. This position will now be kept up for about one minute. |
-Timing: In training step one will be held for half a minute step b for one. Thereafter switch over to planned exercise. In training free times the patient should adopt this posture frequently over the day to habituate it and loosening up especially after permanent sitting or a strenuous routine. |
Characteristics: |
Information (schooling), stereognosis, myobalance, pause-position, coordination, static, tonicity. |
Remarks: |
On the first glance this exercise seems simple. The patient should, however, be urged towards a precise carry-out. No detail step should be executed cursorily. The self-sensing is a main contents of this exercise, it should mediate to empathize with the own body tonicity , no body part should hang too loose but chiefly appear not to tensed. It is the basic condition for the Myofunctional Training: Sensitivity / sensitizing. |
Discussion: |
Summarized: What is forming an exercise in the beginning will bestow in the first place the eutonizing fundament for the MFT-Training. Secondly the posture will become an everyday custom , get habituated. Main contents is besides the correct posture the knowledge of the sensing of a balance, the organ stereognosis. This aptitude will play an important role later on in the MFT-exercises. At this point we should remember that the partial step PAUSE-POSITION may and should also be carried out in the lying position as with exercises to be done before falling asleep for a nocturnal habituation. Details to this in the description of SITTING-POSITION and PAUSE-POSITION. |
Instructions: |
If we want to improve something with the face muscles, at the head, at first the basement has to be approved, the neck, the head, the shoulders, the trunk – the fundament of the head. This will be managed with the BASIC-POSITION. It consists of the SITTING-POSITION with trunk neck and jaw and of the PAUSE-POSITION of the mouth. The SITTING-POSITION should be taken up several times a day to relax and every time before exercising. It is this exercise we were training by the comparison with the little cans which were to form the spine. On top should be seated a turnip as our head. The PAUSE-POSOTION is to be taken up every time the mouth is not in action. Therefore we start with the SITTING-POSITION and add the PAUSE-POSITION. This is kept for two to three minutes while trying to improve the posture. More about this in the instructions of the SITTING or PAUSE-POSITION. |