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116 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collect ion |
Application: |
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This measure belongs to the group of the REMINDER. The issue in LIPS OPEN is rather a catchphrase then an exercise trying to convey certain associations within the patients mind. In this context the meaning is that especially during the actions following in the training plan the carry-out of the exercise is maintained with the intention not to shut the mouth slot. The measure is qualified to consciously interrupt a habitually proceeding dysfunction or misguided reflex in the target area Orbicularis, tongue (swallow reflex) or Velum, Mandibula and joints. The process of the consecutive reflex will thereby not exclusively be ruled by the steering mechanism out of the unconscious and thus can by, this diversion, be made accessible to a conscious influence and a therapeutical access. |
Contents: |
Conscious intervention into the intra-/ extraoral myo balance or coordination to gain engraving training effect. |
Materials: |
Hand mirror (not obligatory but constructive). |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: Particular exercises are not scheduled. An instruction for the patient with hand mirror and demonstration should take place at one hand about the misshabit to treat and additionally about the desired correct function. (The exercise in itself mostly will be scheduled as a pre-exercise). |
-Starting position: In most cases it will be valuable to let gain a stand-by position as the BASIC-or REST-POSITION, to arouse a body feeling. |
- Step-by-step-description: -1 From the starting position the lips are opened as to say “Cheese”. This lip posture will have to be continued under hand mirror observation. -2 The muscle action claimed by the main exercise is started. |
-Timing: So on one side for example in an open bite, a diastema formation, pro- or extroversion and mispositioning of the tongue or the mandible the non-physiological action is made visible respectively be influenced and turned off, at the other hand the before described mechanism of a disruption of the habitual process is initiated; in the sequel, instead, the claimed and correct course of motion must be developed under a conscious guidance and concentrative. For this purpose the hand mirror serves as a visual guide. |
Characteristics: |
Stereognosis, motivation to self-monitoring, /tactile) kinaesthesia, orientation, myobalance, reflex control / stand-by position, information. |
Remarks: |
In case of an open mouth posture or an insufficient lip closure the application of this method is less recommendable. |
Discussion: |
Several important viewpoints have been mentioned in the text above. Further annotations on the topic can be read in the chapter REMINDER. It has been repeatedly warned in the current text against non-physiological methods and exercises; the here discussed measure is intended to be this way, is only used for training purposes and is being replaced and reduced and the consecutive exercises to be lead over to the physiological action. It is advisable to elucidate this to the patient from the very beginning. (Annotation: For the description of those exercises not containing myofunctional muscle training commonly instructions are not implemented; in this special case there is one specified as the patient’s active collaboration is involved.) |
Instructions: |
It really is not difficult to keep the lips open. It is more difficult to swallow with open lips or to breathe through the nose. In the beginning it may be quite strange to mind all this simultaneously as the lips normally are closed with swallowing or nose-breathing. So: Concentrate well on the swallow or breathing and at one go mind to keep the lips apart! It has to be practiced several times a day, as often as it comes in your mind or as you find some leisure time. Important is that we only want to work out the skill as such a conduct is rather abnormal: This is why we, later on, when the exercise is running well have to drop this carry-out. |