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239 General Chapter |
Myofunktional Exercise Collect ion |
Application: |
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This chapter gives a general description of a collective group of exercises and details which are sharing the here described facts.
For the definition and differentiation see paragraph “Discussion”. The exercises are applied on their own to adjust a deficient body or body part position or positioning generally or within the target area. In general they are designed such as to segue from the phase of training into the continuity of everyday. For this reason in such cases they are containing significant components of a HABITUATIONEXERCISE. Moreover they are frequently applied as pre-exercises. At this the practicing of the respective posture will have to effectuate for the particular target area that for the consecutive exercise a muscular eutonisation within the patient or the attunement to a controlled body feeling is created. The POSITION EXERCISE by this becomes a manageable measure for the patient with the intention to allow him to help himself out of a dysfunctional situation. This dysfunctional situation may as well exist as a hyper or as a hypo function (see also HYPERMOTILITY EXERCISES). Position exercises are well suited as ‘stop-gap’ between other exercises in the respective area as they may intermediately down-regulate the neuromuscular system to its stand-by situation (STANDBY POSITION). |
Contents: |
As stated, the STANDBY POSITION is the training goal of the here discussed exercises. (For the definition of the expression 'Standby' see also chapter TONE DEFINITION.) As for the quite important component comprising the habituation all relevant utilities referring to this matter will be utilized as, for example, MNEMONIC, MEMO, PICTOGRAM or catchword. The exercise should be applied more and more frequently during the therapy by the patient himself in the course of the day. |
Materials: |
As the exercise impose as decidedly myo-‘functional’ actions preferably no manipulation instrumentation or appliances should be employed, anyway not in an advanced state of training. |
Procedure: |
-1 In the beginning the therapist will inform the patient thoroughly about the training goal – the specific posture. -2 For this purpose the body feeling apropos Orientation, Stereognosis, positional relationship within the organism is awakened and addressed, if necessary, via sensory assistances and feed-back stimuli to gain a, mostly statomotor (statodynamic) eu-toning. -3 Practicing at first runs under supervision within the training sessions then pointedly at home and more and more beyond distinct training complexes at all arising opportunities. -4 The final phase will, then, lead to the habituation of the training contents. |
-Timing: From the above described procedure evolves a general timing which primarily proceeds from the usual Sequences which are predominantly linked to Series, more and more extended and frequently repeated and finally uncoupled from the training and transferred in to the everyday behaviour. |
Characteristics: |
Information, Statics, Fine Motor Skills, Stereognosis, Motivation for self monitoring, Orientation, Feed-back, Stand-by position, Eu-toning. |
Remarks: |
As already described, the here discussed exercises do rather not represent exercises which are to effectuate something but manage the training of positions which, then, get firmly stuck, are getting habituated as the normal posture; this gives the reason why manipulation should be applied as little as possible and omitted towards the end. |
Discussion: |
In the sense of the word the ‘POSITION’-EXERCISES are training the Position of the body, meaning its physiological, optimal Stand-by Position, will say, mainly the posture of the body parts. In contrast a ‘Hold’-Exercise contains a work-out procedure which – statically – maintains a training position for a prescribed time. If here in the just discussed POSITION EXERCISE a position, too, has to be maintained they are rated among the HOLD-EXERCISE which in many cases imply the physiological body position as their objective in other cases, though, are intended to strengthen the target muscle. The here discussed POSITION EXERCISE are based upon each other. They are practiced separately an, later on joined to result in the so called RESTPOSITION. The subsequent list of exercises is arranged under this perspective. |
Instructions: |
See respective chapter. |
POINTPOSTURE for the tongue tip + CAT’S HUNCHED BACK for the tongue body + ,L’-POSITION for the whole tongue + ,E'-EXERCISE for the chin + ,M’-POSITION for the mouth slit ____________________________________
,L-M’-HALTUNG for the orofacial system + ,DRAWER-IN’ for the stomatogn. system _________________________________________
RESTPOSITION for the facial skull + SITTING-POSITION for the upper trunk ______________________________________ for the whole therapeutic area.
[Annotation to the RESTPOSITION. In this case better terms should be used like relaxation, recreation or stand-by posture. Mostly just the term Rest position is used when it shall be expressed that the respective neuromotoric system is not on operating level. The actual rest position should rather be found during Deep Sleep. This, quite frequently, will not be the case as we know that many patients tend to muscle activities just within the orofacial system during sleep. The state to be described would be a situation of recreation between the phases of activity. The actual resting position during “resting” would be commonly seen when all activities are regulated down for a period of several hours and perhaps pass through a recreation phase.] |