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216 General Chapter |
Myofunktional Exercise Collect ion |
Application: |
no illustration |
Tongue problems make up a great part of the MFT-cases. This is the reason why from literature and practice many exercises on this matter are available and will be summarized in this chapter to give a better overview and make searching easier. The application of the tongue exercises generally would need no explaining words except the classification used here ( see paragraph “Discussion”). |
Contents: |
See short description below in the “List of Exercises”. |
Materials: |
Exercise specific. |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: Are contained in the program respectively the basic positions (BASIC-, SITTING-, REST-POSITION) are used. |
-Starting position: See above. |
- Step-by-step-description: -1 Sensitation and Orientation -2 Standby Position, Rest Position. -3 Tonicity correction (Eutonization) -4 Fill up Mobility Frame -5 Adjust function movements -6 Coordination and Reflexreconstruction -7 Habituation This pattern may as well be put up for a: |
- Timing in planning the overall training course. |
Characteristics: |
The tongue exercises in their multitude enclose the entire palette of characteristics; basically in the final, phase of the training it leads to a habituation of the swallow reflex: special notice should be given to the formation of the phonation of the T and D for the rostral part, L for the medial and G and K for the retral part of the tongue. |
Remarks: |
In respect of the multitude and special objectives of the tongue exercises an extremely precise diagnosis is indeed necessary. This is complicated by the difficulty to make the tongue position visible. The attempts to use imaging techniques are stretching from colour Palatography over ultrasound application and X-ray (less recommendable) to magnetic resonance imaging. A definite position will hardly be identified with this; pictures of the textures during functional movements till now are (apart from the X-ray methods) indeed quite insufficient. So there is left only the possibility to work out the single movements to perfection with their succeeding Coordination and Habituation. |
Discussion: |
According to its anatomical structure the tongue musculature can be classified in as extrinsic and front margin intrinsic type. (Anatomy: Area II, Page 18 & Img.) In respect of its construction from Aponeurosis and Septum (Page 19) a right and a left half are distinguished. It shows a body (with a quite important) back and a border region and its has a tongue tip (which is said to originally be a rather an edge) and the root of the tongue. The latter might have been the crucial factor for us to see a middle part between tip and root which, thus, leads to a crosswise division into three thirds anatomically as therapeutically – a pretty nonphysiological and hopefully not deceptive nomenclature which lead to the cataloguing in the following list of quoted tongue exercises. Some of the exercises are cited several times according to their different application. |
Exercises for the first (rostral) tongue third |
are summarized in the chapter TONGUE-TIP-ORIENTATION ; as Orientation, in deed, is the main task in view of the fist third: |
additionally: GUESS-THE-FORM Hetero stereognosis, Tactile Kinaesthetics HOLD-AND-PULL fixing tip against caudal pull HOLD A MATCH keeping the tip up LICK gustatorically manipulated cranioversion DIMPLE reflex step exercise RING LOCKER tactile aesthetically manipulated cranioversion DRAW-BACK fixing the tip against retral pull BAGGY TONGUE Motility / loosening SLURP-AND-WALLOW fixing the tip during function FROZEN PLOP pseudo-manipulated keeping the POINT SPATULA PRESSING strengthen Elevators, stretching ligament CHEEKBUMP Auto stereognosis WATER-RETAINER Hold-exercise, DIMPLE WATER CARRIER kinetic exercise, DIMPLE WATER PUMP fine motor skills WAVING Mobility, Motility, Coordination WORDEXERCISES 1. THIRD Coordination, Function TEETHWIPING Mobility, Stereognosis COUNT-THE-TEETH Tactile Aesthetics, Mobility, Area-/Hetero Stereognosis. |
Exercises for the second (middle) tongue third |
BAGGY TONGUE Motility, Loosening SLURP-AND-SWALLOW palatal orienting by function movements FROZEN PLOP pseudomanipulated palatal orienting GIDDY-UP' Matility/Aesthetics for the lateral tongue border HOLD A STICK Manipulation with function kinetics for palatal orientation WORDEXERCISES 2. THIRD Coordination, Function TEETHWIPING Mobility TONGUESHAPING Manipulated Auto-stereognosis, Orientation TONGUE CLICK Kinetic cranial Orientation TWO-RING-EXERCISE Tactile aesthetic manipulated cranial Orientation |
Exercises for the third (retral) tongue third |
SQUEEZE-A-FLAKE Sensitation and tone increase, Stretching ,K-K-K’-EXERCISE Mobility, Tonicity of tongue root and Diaphragm DRAW-BACK Tonicity, Hold-Exercise WORDEXERCISES 3. THIRD Coordination, Function |
Exercises for the complete tongue |
THREE-RING-EXERCISE Tactile Aesthetic-Manipulated Cranial Orientation PODGY TONGUE- SLIM TONGUE Transversal musculature, Mobility PALATE-SLIDE Retractor and Levator Muscles STRAW SUCKING Extrinsic Muscles and Diaphragma Oris HOLD-AND-PULL Hold and Stretch vertically BACK-CENTRE-FRONT Back of the Tongue Orientation, Sensitation, Organ Stereognosis WHISTLING KETTLE Fine motor-acoustic Retro Orientation DRAW-BACK Sagittal Stretching SUCK AND PULL Vertical Stretch SLENDER TONGUE Tone Raising of Transversal Muscles TIP-PRESSURE Static, Tone Raissing, resp. Sinking CHEEKBUMP Mobility Frame, extrinsic Musculatur WAG Sight Controlled Mobility Exercise TONGUE CONTACTS Tactile Aesthesis, Stereognosis, Tongue Border TONGUE STRETCHING Sight controlled Hold-straining, Transversal Muscul. TONGUE STROKING Triggered Alien Stimulus, Tongue Body Contraction TONGUE DABBING Manipulated Auto-Stereognosis Exercise |
Instructions: |
-are available in the respective chapters- |