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267 General Chapter |
Myofunktional Exercise Collect ion |
Application: |
This chapter does not describe the carry-out of one single exercise but it gives a listing-up of a group of exercises being well suited to support in co-therapy the treatment or rheumatic temporomandibular joint diseases. |
Contents: |
The exercises will become necessary to keep or regain the physiological movability of the joints during or after the chemotherapy has crowded out the symptoms of this autoimmune disease like inflammation and destructive processes. |
Materials: |
Exercise specific. |
Procedure: |
The sequence of steps of the single exercise should be looked up under the respective special exercise description. For the treatment of the patients – and in our special case in the Myofunctional Treatment it will be mostly children – the safeguarding of the special diagnosis should always have priority . In the follow there will have to be carried out as top priority the disease control of the autoimmune disorder. The Myofunctional Therapy should rather not be applied as an independent treatment for consultation with the co-therapist is very important. |
Characteristics: |
The second most important problem is the preservation of the joint movability. This will firstly be worked out passively, i.e. by physiotherapeutic training of the Mobility (width of movement). Later on there should be a prescription concept for the patient containing the training plan and its weekly monitoring. |
Remarks: |
It is of some importance to proceed gently and sensitively during an acute stage in any case avoiding suspending the training. |
Discussion: |
The movement training is dispensable neither in the acute stadium nor in the relatively unstressed remission stage of JIA. The tissue defects are healing; if joints do not get moved this process will lead to deviation or heavy constriction of the movability frame. As mentioned above multifaceted target lines are persued: The closest aim , of course, will be the easing of the masticatory muscles (Anatomy Page 31) to decrease the active muscular stress generated ( possibly in a protective reflex) by hyper-tensed muscles. The second component is the physiotherapeutic manipulation at the patient through passive stretching, guiding and sensing the posture of the mandible. The third possibility of effecting lies in activating the ‘trampoline’. As the mandible strives to sink down by gravitation and as it is only held retrally through the masticatory musculature and, thus, tends to the OMP, the Open Mouth Posture’, leading to the tipping forward of the capitulum temporomandibulare towards the slant of the articular slideway the rostral suspension represented by the extrinsic tongue muscles (M. Styloglossus, Anatomy page 21), cheek muscles, lip muscles has to lift the manible actively into its balanced floating position. Here, furthermore, a third force has a significant bearing which we may entitle the ‘pneumatic power’. In a fully functional system the Manibula is kept in suspension by negative air pressure (to avoid the expression ‘Vacuum’). Within the joints there are the two-chambered Disci Intercondylares; in their chambers that elastic negative pressure is created through the downward traction. In the rostral region it is created directly in the Cavum Oris when a regular closure of lips and Velum Palatinum is granted. For all three of these components, in case of need, the respective muscle exercises will have to be executed. The following list collates exercises being of some therapeutic use; in the conclusive list each exercise shows a short explanation about the effective mechanism of it. |
List of manipulated Exercises: |
List of rostral Exercises: |
List of other beneficial exercises with a short explanatiomn: |
OPEN AND CLOSE Monitoring and coordinating the application of mandible adductors and deflectors. BALLOON Essential cheek tonicity and perioral musculature. CHUBBY LIP Hindering Mentalis pressing, lower lip biting – Perioral musculature THE PEA Empathizing the retral position of the TMJ-head PODGY TONGUE- SLIM TONGUE Adjustment of the tongue tone JOINT STRETCH(MANIPULATED) Physiotherapy, demonstration of joint balancing and muscle limbering BASIC-POSITION Common posture of the upper body COLLUM EXERCISES Common exercises for the cervical region NECK SIDE STRETCH Exercises for the lateral cervical region POSITION EXERCISES Exercises suitable as associated physiotherapeutic measures for the collum musculatureLip closure JIG-EXERCISE Selfmanipulated assistance for the backward motion of the Mandibula MASTICATORY MUSCLE STRETCH (LATERAL) Manipulated stretching of presumably the Pterygoidei ROLLING HEADS Exercises for the cervical region, vertebral joints TURN YOUR HEAD Head turner mm. EASY NODDING Fine motor skills of the neck vertebra CLOWNY Lip closure as a potential trigger problem ,L-M’-POSITION Obligatory stand-by posture of the Orofacial System ,M’-POSITION Obligatory stand-by posture of the Stomatognathic System also known as the physiological rest position MASSETER EXERCISE Monitoring the adductor muscle tone GAPE Selfmanipulated masricatory muscle stretch MENTAL TRAINING Important basic condition for the night-time self-monitoring , M-O-I ‘ adjusting the “aged face” (accompanying sign of the “derailed” muscle tracks) TIRE OUT CHEWING Mainly mental exercise to correct an adductor hyperactivity NAPE-DIALTOR Exercises suitable as an associated physiotherapeutic measure for the neck musculature PLATELET-HOLDER Flanking Measure for the oral fissure closure DRAW-BACK Flanking the tongue retroversion in coincidence with the mandible RESTPOSITION Especially for night-time habituation of a correct mandible posture TUBECHEWER Adductor relaxation HOSECLAMP Adductor relaxation ,CHIN-IN’ Teaching the basic principle Jaw position SLENDER TONGUE Associated measure for a tongue retroversion SIDE THRUST Self-manipulated stretching of the Pterygoidei SITTING-POSITION General associated measure for the body posture ,TAP-TAP’-EXERCISE Teaching self-manipulation for the CHATTERING TEETH Autogenous adductor relaxation TEETHCLICKING Night-time mental monitoring for an adductor hyperactivity |