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016 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collection |
Application: |
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This exercise will be requested with an insufficiency of the Orbicularis ring muscle. Within the functionally segmented division of the muscle field ( see ORBICULARIS EXERCISES respectively chapter Anatomy) it is directed specially towards the central circularfibres. It mainly affects the “anchors”, the insertions upon the bony base as with the Musculus Incisivus (I,1,4). It effects the static strengthening of the muscular texture. |
Contents: |
HOLD-EXERCISE for a static and maximum contraction of the Orbicularis towards the centre as well as in sagittal direction towards the bony base. |
Materials: |
Not required, hand-mirror recommendable for the self-control in the starting phase. |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: The ,M’-POSITION shold be mastered as the |
-Starting position: (which could, as well, be the “physiologic mandibular rest position”.) |
- Step-by-step-description: -a1Performed as a HOLD-EXERCISE, now the rima oris (oral fissure) is contracted from every side (above, sideways and front) more and more, star-shaped, towards the middle as much as possible to form quite a point. -a2 The position is kept while counting. -a3 Return to start or shift to the counter-movement with an ALTERNATIVE EXERCISE (see below). -b1 As a kinetic exercise as step a1. -b2 Immediate return to step one position, start-position. -b3 Training- and start-position are gained in a steady and dynamic flow: step1, step 2, 1, 2….or -c1 (as an ALTERNATIVE EXERCISE) like b1, -c2 like b2, then: -c3 shift to the second exercise chosen for the ALTERNATIVE EXERCISE, for example WIDE GRIN or LETTER SLOT. |
-Timing: For method a in the ‘Hold’-mode the sequence is given by counting to a given number as starting with 10 and raising to 30. Several sequences may be combined to form a series. For method b in the kinetic mode the sequence gets a frequency tact. While counting out the training position is adopted, left, adopted, left and so on – forming the frequency tact. The number of actions is prearranged as, for example, ten later on increasing.
For method c the first sequence may involve as well mode a, as mode b. The following sequence, then, is given by the special ALTERNATIVE EXERCISE chosen. Repeated changing forms the exercise series. In special cases the BABBLE is recommended as a loosening-up exercise. The two different executing modi mentioned may as well be combined to form the CHANGING EXERCISE. Here in the first sequence training is carried out as under a in the second sequence as under b then again as with a, the b and so on. By this a series may be formed which might be set with up to five times changing. |
Characteristics: |
Crude motoric, static – mobility / kinetic – motility. |
Remarks: |
The target muscles should be watched to work as the only ones. All other neighbouring muscles, presumably the Mentalis will not be inflicted. The tongue tip stays at the POINT, the teeth do not occlude. |
Discussion: |
In combination with the ALTERNATIVE EXERCISE with the mentioned BROAD GRIN results decidedly crude motoric strengthening and mobility increasing effect for the wheel-spoke muscles. To be recommenced, the combination ,O’ > CERRY MOUTH> TRUNK or as well DUCKBILL or TIED-UP SACK. Thus different layers (sagittaly) or regions (transversally) may be activated The exercises mentioned moreover implicate a stretching effect upon the muscle unit ( see as well remarks in chapter ORBICULARIS EXERCISES). To involve the wheel-spike muscles besides the belt musculature a combination may be put up to form an ALTERNATIVE EXERCISE by combination with DOGS GROWL or ,EEE'-EXERCIS. A motivating effect is given by the carry-out described in CONDUCTOR exercising with a small stick (match). |
Instructions: |
The lips are going to get strong. Therefore we are closing the lips gently by putting them together softly. Now say “Ooooooo!” very regretfully. The lip slit is going to contract star-shaped towards the middle without pushing the lips forward. Finally there is only just a point of the slit to be seen. The lips are held this way while counting to ten or to the number we have consented. Then follows a pause and after that the repetition, three times, four times, as we said. This exercise may also be executed with in combination other lip exercises. |