MYONET - Atlas Musculature Orofacial System |
Atlas Musculature: V&VI Physiology |
Erhard Thiele 030e | Atlas Musculature Inventory | MYONET.TOTAL PROGR CONTENTS |
Discussion of the Physiology
with Muscular Specialities and Faulty Functions of the Musculature of the Areas V und VI
– Subhyoid- and
– Neck Musculature –
The objective of the sub-(infra-)hyoid musculature is to either fix the hyoid against the pull of the musculature above or to pull it down. The tracks are two-layered, fixed upon the pectoral girdle und, thus, forming muscle loops covering the larynx and thyroid gland.
Two muscle tracks are of importance for our special field:
VI/1. (M. sternohyoideus), the thorax - hyoid muscle connecting these two bones, and the
VI/2. (M. omohyoideus), the scapula- hyoid muscle forging a bridge between these two anchor points.
In connection with the neck musculature the Platysma (I/13) must be mentioned which rather bears upon the maxilla and the muscles of the lower facial region same as the Musculus sternocleidomastoideus linking the sternum with the skullbase and, thus, exhibiting multiple disorders within our system. The deep lateral neck musculature for completeness is listed up in a tabularized manner. We see this musculature medically striking when mostly in adults over long periods continued states of dysfunction have led to chronical tensions combined with painful muscle tissue changes. Therefore it is advisable for us to observe the posture of head and shoulders - primarily in the initial inspection and, later on, under therapy, to note positive changes.
Useful exercises in this connection are mainly; BASIC-POSITION, SITTING-POSITION, RESTPOSITION for harmonising and further generally COLLUM EXERCISES.