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003 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collection |
Application: |
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Matching of the coordination of the fine-motor function (fine-motoricity) in the vestibular region for the initial phase of the swallow reflex for the restitution of the physiologic function of the reflex-chain. |
Contents: |
Initial phase for a stepwise reflex reconstruction through a function orientated fine-motoric Move-exercise. |
Materials: |
A gulp of water to moisten the vestibular pouch. |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: In the overall course the training up of the sensory and motor function in the rostral mouth region should have been gained. In the present state as Propaedeutics are suitable the exercises: TEETHRINSING, MOUSE-SQUEAK and the exercise TONGUE CLICK. |
-Starting position: PAUSE POSITION. |
- Step-by-step-description: -1 The patient pointedly hisses the word “Sip”. -2 Next the “SIP” is to be mouthed in “the opposite direction”, be “sucked” from outside into the mouth. The sequence of movements is largely the same but now the stream of air has to be directed from out to inside, similar to the exercise MOUSE-SQUEAK. The motion sequence may equally be explained by pre-exercising the TONGUE CLICK with more and more letting only the very tip of the tongue make a very faint click-noise starting from the POINT while the lips are forming the word “Sip”. |
-Timing: If the exercise is accomplished, the “Sip” should be repeated about twenty times. If the patient does not succeed even a prolonged exercising will not be of any use as the imagination and coordination are missing. The procedure, then, will be, as outlined before, from the TONGUE CLICK followed by MOUSE-SQUEAK in order to work out sequence of movements and stream of air ( see below). |
Characteristics: |
Tactile-kinaesthesia, organ-stereognosis, function-kinetic partial-reflex, motility. |
Remarks: |
For the restitution of the deglutition reflex here special attention should be taken as this is the initial step of the deglutition reflex. |
Discussion: |
In the following discussion the relation of the current exercise to the complete swallow reflex-chain will be pointed out. As this is a very delicate and special detail exercise is rather can be learned easily by correctly carrying out the mentioned pre-exercises. By this the mainly unconsciously working mechanism is subject able to the conscious control. Here is not only the learning of a sequence of movements is to be learned but the fact should be realized that it has a set position in the first muscle actions of a complete reflex-chain. When the patient has internalized the fine-tuned sucking-in of the fine stream of air as with the MOUSE-SQUEAK and is he able to do the TEETHRINSING with the help of a small sip of water (or saliva) in a way that the liquid is solely streaming in and out through the interdental front teeth spaces. Will it consequently be possible to practice the TONGUE CLICK, the tiny crack sound arising when the small dimple (of the front part from the tongue surface) is ripping loose from the palate, the next step will be to combine these exercises. This should couple up the third link of the swallow-reflex chain – when as the first step stands the lip-closure, secondly the closing of the molars (which falls in nearly simultaneously to the “SIP”. The follow-up step to the discussed muscle action, then, will be the TOUCH-THE-BUTTON. A further step for coupling the acquired single steps of the reflex chain is offered by the combining of the exercises WATER-RETAINER and TOUCH-THE-BUTTON. This exercise represents the integration of the previously exercised forming of the DIMPLE, it is filled with some liquid will keep this at the POINT. Now, the next step to follow is our, SIP’-Exercise. This is, then, immediately followed by the cited TOUCH-THE-BUTTON. In the follow-up of the SWALLOW-MECHANISM the passing backwards of the DIMPLE is following (promoted by the variation of the exercise ,1-2-,KA’-3’ (see ,1-2-3’-EXERCISE) concerning the lifting up of the retral tongue body. |
Instructions: |
This is really not a difficult exercise. It is only to remind you not the leave rest of food swimming around in the vestibule, the narrow place between the lips and the teeth before you swallow. To achieve this you doe not call out but suck in the word ZIP. And just this ZIP-movement should be exercised over the next time while eating (as discreetly as possibly) to make it happen by requiring no attention. But at first there will be pre-training before exercising at dinner: Say ZIP 20 times after the following simple method: 1. Tongue-tip goes to the POINT. 2. Molars teeth setting upon each other. 3. With the small tongue whip the tip hops down from it POINT backwards as with a click and while the lips close the ZIP rings out. There is still another more precise method with the DIMPLE, but this shall only be trained if we had talked about it. |