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054 general chapter/exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collection |
Application: |
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It is the tenor of this exercise to generate a catchphrase (also see MEMOS). The gaining of a muscular training effect is not intended but may be secondarily achieved. Mainly the catchword will be created, the mentioning of which is to recall a defined reaction within the patients mind: The physiological tongue posture projected by preceeding aimed training has to be taken up automatically / unconsciously. Which means: The tongue-tip sits down on to the incisal papilla, its favourite site or its “controlstand” and leans back to its “back-rest”, the palate making the typical hunchback of a purring cat not sticking out its belly and keeping away from the sides by staying slender and avoiding to lean against the teeth. During the work-out the therapist has the opportunity to recall before the patient inner eye a clearly defined image (priorly arranged) about the tongue posture desired by articulating the short admonition: “Cat’s Huchback”! without having to give further explanations every time. The phrase has operate like a starting shot. |
Contents: |
Catchphrase for a palatal –verted flection of the tongue body; fitting of the mental picture about this posture. |
Materials: |
If applicable, image, hand-mirror for demonstration, logo on a sign. |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: Precise and detailed instruction of the patient about the posture desired. Depending on the scheme of the therapist there may precedingly within a special therapy phase be created the corresponding neuromuscular frame to enable the patient to attain the position ( see also TONGUE-TIP-ORIENTATION. As a further possibility the therapist may demonstrate by material as models or picture what the command “Cat’s Huchback”! entails. |
-Starting position: ,L’-POSITION |
- Step-by-step-description: -1 If the catchword falls, the trained posture is accepted. This may happen: a. after opening the mouth plainly b. out of the ,L-M’-POSITION with afterwards opening the mouth for the> -2 checking of the correct tongue posture respectively for it correction. -3 In the progress of the training sessions the patient controls himself, finally with the mouth closed. |
-Timing: Accidentally, which means after one or several times having been instructed at first step 1 and 2 will be repeated unpreparedly at a random time, later on only step 3. The exercise is a single habituating measure and therefore is established mostly at the end of the general therapy plan. |
Characteristics: |
Motivation ( to self-monitoring), information, instruction, stereognosis, resting tone, habituation. |
Remarks: |
No muscle exercise but mental training! Mind the mental capability of the patient. |
Discussion: |
(See discussion above) The logo with the cat making its hunchback – projected on a side-view of the tongue – printed on playing card sized signs should be spread about the “biotope”, working place, bedside cabinet, mirror console etc. |
Instructions: |
This is the catchword, appointed among us, at witch the tongue sits down on its favourite place always immediately ( if it is not jet sitting there) with its tip, leaning its back comfortably against the back rest, the palate, forming slender as not to hit against the teeth and not letting its belly hang down. It just will have to take on the appearance of a cat doing the cat’s hunchback contentedly purring. |