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Catalogue |
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217 General Chapter |
Myofunktional Exercise Collect ion |
Application: |
The application possibilities of this method are shown in the choice of name. Memo is short for the Latin word “memoria” (memory, remembrance). Via the recollection the continuation of a therapy relevant status and its observation, monitoring and performance of an exercise will have to be recalled. The memory is fixing a therapy relevant state into the unconscious – its gets habituated ( with the here described method rather in a more advanced therapy phase). |
Contents: |
According to the definition the MEMO may be an object, a picture or a PICTOGRAM. It might be an acoustic or an optical signal which had been agreed upon in advance In any case it promptly demands the observation of the therapy relevant state. PICTOGRAMS are specifically fashioned images which, in connection with a catchphrase, are symbolising a situation in a memorable way ( see CAT’S HUNCHED BACK). They are handed out to the patient with the necessary explanations and introductions. In general it will represent any sort of REMINDER which will act on the patient on a sensory base, i.e., via the sensory perception (pcpt). They are getting their special significance by mediating them to the patient in a distinct manner, charged with special contents. A further condition for the effectiveness of the MEMOS is that the receptivity of the patient for uptake and realization of the signal should have been aroused before through intensive motivation. |
Materials: This paragraph describes rather the different possibilities to manufacture a MEMO than materials or instruments for the carry-out. 1 Stickers with a pictogram characteristic for the exercise ( see right) 2 Stickers with a phrase characteristic for the exercise – “stick it up in a place where it will clearly “hit in the eye” . 3 Playing cards (as depicted in Vol.II, P.132ff) with a characteristic pictogram to be carried in the pocket, wallet or deposited on the desktop. 4 Self painted pictures being created showing the current topic (“Stick it up or post it at a site where you will easily see it”). 5 Buttons, small badges with the emblem as in ‘1’. 6 Signs (like the one shown) painted on the back of the hand. 7 An eye-catching finger ring. 8 Elastic adapted on the Orofacial System ( also see ELASTIC EXERCISES ). 9 Sticker points ( see also accessories for the work-book „Zungenkämpfer“, see also PLUSMINUS (“Stick it on items of practical use as, for example, writing implements, tooth brush, timetable”.) 10 Wrist watch (“put it on upside down”). 11 TIMETABLES(see also NIGHT SCHEDULE). 12 Uncommon item carried in the pocket or tie a knot in one's handkerchief. 13 Signal from an assistant person having been agreed upon in ‘secret language‘ like eyes twinkling, foot tapping or whistling. |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises and -Starting position: Will not be of much relevance in this connection resp. exercise specific. - Step-by-step-description: -1 Instruction, introduction; There will be an intensive discussion with the patient how the MEMO will be put in use and what it should be going to bring about -2 Besides the training sessions the MEMO is placed with the intention “When I take notice of it my task will immediately occur to me”. -Timing: MEMOS do not need a timing as they are constantly in action; they are presumably appointed in the habituation phase. |
Characteristics: |
Motivation, Habituation. |
Remarks: |
The method has the function of an aid. It does only run if the original exercise is ruled , if the introduction of the MEMO has been intensively carried out and if an extensive compliance is given. On the part of the therapist the thorough the complete motivation of the patient is asked. |
Discussion: |
No limits are impose on the inventiveness of therapist or patient concerning execution or positioning of the MEMOS. The effects may be intensified if sorts of the MENTAL TRAINING are simultaneously applied. (Critically observed a MEMO either is MENTAL TRAINING or it only can be successful in connection with some sort of that). As target contents are, for example, put up: Keep your mouth shut, Nose-breathing, tongue kept at the POINT, ,DRAWER-IN’-EXERCISE (CHIN-IN), do not lick the lips nor suck them in, do not bite your tongue nor cramp your Mentalis or grind the teeth.
Quite an impressive Photo will be the correct position or posture as well as one of the misconduct.
As the expressiveness of a MEMO will successively slacken it might be advisable to change the sign after some time. The below following list of exercises from the catalogue is giving some hints on the possibilities of usage. |
Instructions: The instructions are exercise specific and are basically existing for the mediation of the sense of the practicving by the therapist. |