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011 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collection |
Application: |
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This exercise is applied with habitual tongue disorders. It represents one of the components of the PAUSE-POSITION. This implies that the exercise should be habituated as a fundamental routine which, again, implies that it should be arranged into the habitualization (Habituation) phase – at the latest in the final phase of the general therapy or of the therapy step of TONGUE-TIP-ORIENTATION. To master the correct (orthetic) position is the basis of Myofunctional Therapy. |
Contents: |
The exercise should be set up in a mode to prepare the patient to be eager to keep the trained position of the correct tongue position, to get used to it and to habituate it through our backing (which might be intentions, MENTAL TRAINING, MEMOS, pictograms, catch-words – as the name of this exercise itself is one – and TIMETABLES. |
Materials: |
Pictogram to the catch-word. |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: Working out the physiological position of the tongue-tip with exercises as described under TONGUE-TIP-ORIENTATION. |
-Starting position: BASIC-POSITION. |
- Step-by-step-description: -1 The KEEP-THE-POINT demand. -2 Subsequently the patient will plainly memorize the feeling of the “Point” with the tongue-tip and when voicing words with an “L” (see WORDEXERCISES 2. THIRD) realize the tongue-tip again touching the Point. -3 This, now, is being declared the ,L’-POSITION. Simultaneously a pictogram (MEMO) is handed out which he will have to place among with several copies everywhere where it is “hitting the eye” during the course of the day. He shall remember the ,L’-POSITION as frequently as possible and adopt the related posture even before falling asleep (see MENTAL TRAINING. |
-Timing: See step 3. The exercise is internalized in an integrated session and its exact performance examined during following meetings. Sequence and series are not prescribed as the position is supposed to become a permanent state. This posture is frequently required as the starting position. |
Characteristics: |
Orientation, habituation, motivation, tactile (kin) aesthesis, feedback, static (Hold-Exercise). |
Remarks: |
A precise performing will be requested. Tongue mobility? Lingual Frenum? |
Discussion: |
The ,L’-POSITION is equivalent to POINTPOSTURE as a MEMO ( catch-word and pictogram): The patient will at the sight of the pictogram, when reading or articulating the letter “L” con- or unconsciously be remembered to his assignment. The ,L’-POSITION is part of the ,L-M’-POSITION and will be completed successively during the therapy along with the ,M'- POSITION und the ,DRAWER-IN’-EXERCISE to become the PAUSE-POSITION for the orofacial and stomatognathic system. |
Instructions: |
Within the mouth our tongue shall find the ‘Point’ its regular place. It is the spot from where it can control all functions within the mouth! So to speak: The driver’s seat, like the driver’s cab from a bucket excavator. This seat is the small gum lump up there on the palate just behind the middle of the central front teeth. Don’t touch the teeth! On this spot the tongue must always sit leaning its rear against the seat back, the palate. It shall keep this post as often as possible during the day, or better, just control if it the tongue-tip always is there in the correct place, when ever you read an ‘L’ or you speak it, always when sighting one of the labels we have made as a memory aid. At the start you may exercise it with the small rubber ringlet we used with the RING LOCKER; after some time this should work without the ring. |