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127 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collect ion |
Application: |
This exercise effects presumably the improvement of the tongue mobility and furthermore in a limited way and in a rapid carry-out the increase of its motility. In both cases, though, the coordination, both, of the intrinsic and the extrinsic muscle tracks of the whole tongue body get trained. Additionally the exercise may be prescribed to exercise tactile kinaesthesia, orientation and feeling experience of the tongue tip (Anatomy: Area II, Page 18). |
Contents: |
As a motivation skill training exercise this method will familiarize the patient with his oral cavity and directs his attentiveness to the moving capability of his tongue. |
Materials: |
Not required (teeth). |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: As a pre-exercise the sensitation and orientation of the tongue tip to the POINT is recommendable. An immediate pre-exercise could be the (see GUESS-THE-TAP “Discussion”). |
-Starting position: Not defined, facultative the ,L’-POSITION. |
- Step-by-step-description: -1 Starting from the POINT the tongue gently moves to the (for example) rear upper right molar and touches it softly (“1.”). In the beginning the patient will monitor the action with the hand-mirror; the therapist is constantly supervising the realization. -2 The tongue goes on towards the front to the next tooth (2.”) and so on, along the row till the upper rear on the left, then down and along the row in a bow back again back on the right. -3 In a more progressive state we give the order ”Up, left, rear, then: lower right canine… back and forth, here and there, upper or lower with a constant supervision. |
-Timing: A special timing does not arise here. Generally, as mentioned, the tongue tip should have been prepared for this work-out through exercises regarding the POINT. |
Characteristics: |
Surface sensitivity, homoio and organ stereognosis, motivation, (tactile-) kinaesthesia, feedback, coordination, kinetics, fine motor skills, mobility, motility. |
Remarks: |
The motion sequences should be carried out under the supervision of the therapist. |
Discussion: |
From this exercise the tongue will learn to move consciously around in the mouth and to get its bearings. If there are arising problems with the carry-out at the beginning it can be helped with a stick, similar as in the exercise PROVE-THE-POINT. The end of the stick will be set on the tooth that shall be touched; the tongue finds contact with the stick on a random spot and starts gliding along it to the chosen tooth. The stick is removed while the tongue remains at the tooth for a short time, lets go and, without any help, goes back to the place occupied before. The exercise may be prescribed as “homework” but rather suits for being executed under the supervision of the therapist. Compared with the exercise TEETHWIPING the here discussed requires more coordination in the movement and a higher qualified fine motor skill. This makes it suitable as a consecutive exercise. If a more serious disorientation is apparent that prohibits successful “blind” movements of the tongue in the desired direction as well as a guided directing in the demanded route or the aimed leading with the aid of the hand mirror (optical feedback) then mostly the sensory assistance will be helpful: With the forefinger the tooth that has to be found by the tongue tip is “pre-chosen” and distinctly pushed at. The finger is taken back and the tongue tip has to touch the identical tooth. In very complicated cases the finger may stay at the toot from the outside while tongue tip touches from “within” from the lingual side. |
Instructions: |
(As mentioned above this exercise is designed for the use during the consultation time and under supervision of the therapist. Should it be prescribed as “homework” the subsequent instruction is proposed.) We have already pre-trained that the tongue will be able to recognize the teeth standing around it. Simply start on one corner, let’s say up, back and right. Now the counting starts, one and the next and on and on and in a circle past the front an on till the other side in the back; here, then, down and back the whole circle. Now, how many teeth did you count? Still the same amount? |