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048 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collection |
Application: |
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This exercise is applicable in case of an insufficient orientation of the tongue tip by a playful habituating, finding the POINT. It, therefore, is not really designed as a muscle exercise and mainly directed on the extrinsic tongue muscles and the intrinsic transversal (Anatomy: 1.2, Area II, Page 18). |
Contents: |
Orientation game for the repeated occupying of the rest as well, as stand-by tone of the tongue tip out of movement. Useful as a test exercise for the tongue motility (see also “DIAGNOSTIC EXSERCISES). |
Materials: |
Not required. |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: At least the PROVE-THE-POINT should have been practiced (as a test without previous training). |
-Starting position: The patient opens the mouth slightly emphasizing transversal width of the slit. The tongue shows up rather tipped between the lips. |
- Step-by-step-description: -1 Now it goes over to the right corner of the mouth, then to the left… and to the right and faster and faster. It wiggles to and fro like a dog’s tail. -2 With the command “POINT” the tongue tip shoots to the POINT and holds it fast actively. “It may rest there for ca short while”. -3 The command “Wiggle” gets it back into movement again. |
-Timing: Go: “Wiggle”, count to ≈ten, “POINT” – count to ≈5, “Wiggle”, count, “POINT”, count…… and so forth; five times in a row makes a sequence. The frequency rate % may be increased ( see also paragraph “Discussion”, timing of the test exercise). In reference to the total training course the exercise finds its place in an early phase of orientation. |
Characteristics: |
Motivation, kinesthesia, orientation, coordination, mobility, DIAGNOSTIC EXERCISE. |
Remarks: |
Especially with proversion of the tongue its tip should be pushed forward only very slightly! In these cases the law of the “magical border” is in force, an imaginary plain put up vertically between the cutting edges of the upper and lower incisors which has not to be trespassed, like an invisible glass wall. |
Discussion: |
For this exercise three application modes are practicable: The main one, described above, has the training target orientation of the tongue tip. In this orientation mode the jump in a proper eumetric jump to the POINT is worked-out and rated. Furthermore the exercise is valuable for motility improvement. In the motility mode the attention is directed towards the rapidity as well as precision of the movement .This mode will be beneficial with mobility malfunction The use as test exercise may be called the third mode of application. In this case the exercise evaluates the orientability and motility. It is, at one hand, usable in the primary diagnosis, on the other side for documentation reasons in the course of therapy. Here, as well the ability to find the POINT on command, as the capacity for a rapid flux of motion are evaluated. This will be done by counting the maximum wiggle frequency: One to-and-fro gives one frequency rhythm. Counting out for 1o seconds (about 2b motions) and dividing the result by 10 gives the measure, the motion per second. Additionally the perseverance can be determined. This is done by wiggling as fast as possible for 30 seconds while counting the motions, dividing the result by 30 and, so, getting the average frequency. Finally there is the possibility to determine the loss of power. In this case, using the same procedure, as before, the motions of the first and last 10 seconds are counted and, after dividing the result by ten, the wiggle frequencies compared. With tongue strengthening exercises as HOLD-AND-PULL, DRAW-BACK or SQUEEZE-A-FLAKE the discussed exercise may be set as an ALTERANTIVE EXERCISE for relaxation. |
Instructions: |
The tongue tip will have to learn aiming. To get that, the mouth is opened in a broad manner. Now the tongue appears in the middle of that big gate. Now, we need somebody who will give the commands and count. When it is “Wiggle” the tongue wiggles to and fro as fast, as it is able to move, like a dog’s tail, from one mouth corner to the opposite. With “POINT”, it shoots up to the POINT and sits on it. The point has to be hit in the first try, otherwise the tongue will not be allowed to have a rest. And with “Wiggle” it starts again from the beginning. For the one who counts: On “Wiggle” count to 10, on POINT till 5. The whole is repeated ten times or as often, as arranged. |