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059 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collection |
Application: |
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The exercise will mainly work on the constant lip closure in a habitual Open Mouth Position (OMP) but, generally, improves the holding tone of the lips and the complete Orbicularis (in hyper or hypo tone) and may be used as a HABITUATION EXERCISES for mouth breathers. (Anatomy: Area I/4 [mainly]). |
Contents: |
A manipulated static longterm-hold exercise with MEMO-character which is to be used rather frequently in the course of the day. |
Materials: |
In a do-it-yourself-action the device may be “tailored” as a 3 to 4 mm big plastic platelet in an adequate shape like a heart or cloverleaf etc. A cord as used in MFT is drawn through a hole and tied in a knot to be worn around the neck. As material may be used a colourful plastic folder. Its rim should be rounded off (sanded). |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: Exceptionally apparent cases of inability of oral fissure closure are demanding a previous stretching therapy (see “Discussion”). |
-Starting position: As far as possible the BASIC-POSITION with nose breathing. |
- Step-by-step-description: -1 Take hold of the platelet at its very rim with the lips. -a (See “Discussion”) -2 Concentrate on applying minimal force on holding (see “Discussion”) -3 (As a later step) Just do a hint of the ,E'-EXERCISE with the chin tip (mental protuberance) to uncramp the Mentalis. |
-Timing: At first hold and count to ten, later on, depending on the degree of the defect, longer training runs. The aim is a frequent training application during the regular course of the day (reading, homework etc.). |
Characteristics: |
Habituation, manipulation, REMINDER. |
Remarks: |
It is most important not to stress the chin levators in this exercise. |
Discussion: |
A preceding stretch therapy may consist of CLOWNY, UPPERLIP STRETCHING, UPPERLIP MASSAGING, PULL-THE-TRUNK, GORILLA, or TUG-OF-WAR to enable the texture as far as possible for a lip closure. The REMINDER-character is induced from the dropping platelet as an alarm-clock function when the lip closure is dwindling. As for step 1a, a preliminary step should be arranged for in incomplete or grimacing lip closure. Here the lips take grip alternately left or right from the centre line as far to the corners of the mouth as the state of the texture just will allow. In the course of the training the grip point will gradually move further to the centre line. The same stepwise development should take place in diminishing the vigour of holding the platelet as the goal is a relaxed closure. Set for habituating the exercise may, additionally to its integration in the course of the day, be used in the phase of the predormitum. While the exercise has a tone reducing effect with a cramped lip closure, it exerts an increasing effect on flaccid lips. With unilateral deficits from injuries or paralysis the exercise may be used in the mode of a UNILATERAL EXERCISE. Other authors, describing exercises for gaining a lip closure, are recommending clipping together of the lips with an x-ways adapted sticking plaster. First the patient gets informed that the mouth breathing is not obligatory reduce. This kind of work-out is depending less from the collaborating discipline of the patient. If a rather functional muscle therapy is desired without to much manipulation, this exercise is less suitable. |
There are ugly people saying to you: “Keep your mouth shut or the flies will get in”, and the like – but there are, indeed, drawbacks in leaving the mouth open always. You may easily catch a cold as the mucosa dries out, furthermore the palate may buckle; the teeth start tilting forward what, later on will look like a grass rake. The whole face will always look a bit astonished or absentminded. Or, equally provoking bad consequences, you overstress, pressing your lips together, suck them in or bite on them. All this really does not look nice, demolishes the face and can be adjusted. You just have to plan to shut up. As it is really not easy to observe this all day long, we have invented the platelet. You hang the cord around your neck and take the platelet between your lips – ever so softly and without cramping, always, if there is some time for it or when going to bed. If you do it frequently, it really is no big trouble, suddenly the mouth will have got used to it and your lips will, even without the platelet, stay gently closed; and all the dangers described above will never show up again. |