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Myofunktional Exercise  Collect ion


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The exercise suites well for a controlled training of the transversal intrinsic tongue musculature with problems as the “too broad” or “too big” tongue as well as the lateral tongue biting or pressing. (Anatomy:  Area II, 1.2.)


Gross motor exercise for a hand mirror monitored tone rising of the aim musculature.


Hand mirror.


- Previous exercises:

Generally necessary sensitivity and orientation exercises as, for example, the SWEEP-AND-TAP, TONGUE CONTACTS or TONGUESHAPING should have been checked off before.

-Starting position:

It offers two choices. To open up a better chance for monitoring the procedure the patient will leave the mouth open with the tongue stuck out minimally. The alternative is not recommendable it a simultaneous tendency for a tongue protrusion exists. In this case there should be operated the second possibility to place the tip at the POINT.

- Step-by-step-Description:

-1 The tongue must adhere to the POINT but may stay broad and big.

-2 On command, now, it must (at fist with hand mirror monitoring) grow extremely slender and slim lean.

-3 Broad position.

-4 Lean

-5 repeat from step -3 on.

- Timing:

In the general training procedure the exercise is placed in the phase for the last third of the tongue.


Within the special timing two variations may be adapted.

a.        When the exercise is carried out rather kinetically the sequence is bestowed with a time beat. In a second frequency the tongue changes forms: Wide, narrow… A frequency like this may be filled with ten times changing.

b.       Is the exercises to be carried out more in the static way so the respective position is to be kept while counting up (for example till ten) hold the position and, following, the next change. This, too, makes a frequency tacted sequence which in contrary, now, is covered with for (long) alterations of the tongue form.

The sequences may in each case be entered in iterations to make the training more varied and the degree of complexity higher – from sequence to sequence in the mode of a CHANGING EXERCISE (a / b / a / b …..).

1.        Recommendable for the start is the “manual manipulation” as an aid for creating a spatial feeling within the tongue body (see below).

2.        The tongue should principally not be stretched forward further than till the RAIL (see respective Exercise / chapter)


Gross motor skills, a. more kinetic, b. rather static, mobility, tone increase of the transversal fibres – relaxation of the longitudinal ones.


The muscle soreness to be expected is not unusual and should not affect the training.


As a completion or even as an ALTERNATIVE EXERCISE to the here discussed the more static carry- out of DRAW-BACK is recommendable. As a further exercises the SLENDER TONGUE

 will be useful as a single hold exercise (see there). Equally at the beginning of the work-out in step 2 it may be recommendable to get a help by a manipulation in form of pressing the tongue body with thumb and forefinger sideways to get it in to the desired shape.


The tongue is spreading too much in the mouth hole. We have clearly detected that. By this it generates really some damage – so we have to change this by retraining.  The beginning runs as talked about, either with the tongue tip at the POINT or just a bit stretched out –about till to the RAIL.

As long as the exercise still is new we should better control in the mirror if the tongue is doing everything correctly.  Later on you may just do the exercise with your mouth shut – every time you are not engaged in other important things – without any one taking notice of.

You take up the ,L-M’-POSITION and make the tongue broad

and lean

and broad

and lean

Always with full power, always changing. And as often as we said –or still more often.