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134 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collect ion |
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With this mnemonic with the aid of a commonly fully operative muscle action a palate directed version and flexion of the tongue whole body can be gained under a simultaneous backward movement. (Anatomy: Area III, Page 25). |
Contents: |
The consciously managed execution of a secondary reflex provides an orientation for the tongue in the direction of its proper action space (see ‘Discussion’). |
Materials: |
Not required, possibly pipette. |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: As the current exercise is aiming at the complete tongue body as well as at the execution of the swallow reflex at least the method for TONGUE-TIP-ORIENTATION should have been finished previously. |
-Starting position: The tongue tip stays at the POINT all through the exercise. |
- Step-by-step-description: -1 Some air is audibly “slurped” in ( concerning the respective possibilities of performing in supporting the mandible for the various training objectives see notes in paragraph “Discussion”), the lips stay open. -1a This step will be carried out to choice or in a later state of training: The lips, now, will be closed. -2 Under the conscious monitoring of the tongue tip position at the POINT (which will not be possible with step 1a) swallowing is performed. The realization of the swallow action is monitored through the palpating fingers at the larynx. If the TOUCH-THE-BUTTON has already been practiced it may be performed before swallowing. -3 Back to the starting position and repetition. |
-Timing: The repetition of this short action a frequency beat is developed within the sequence. The cycle of beats lies at about five seconds, the number of repetitions per second at five as well (see notes in “Discussion”). |
Characteristics: |
Sensitivity, Orientation, Kinetics, (Function kinetics/Mnemonic), Motivation. |
Remarks: |
With a tendency for Xerostomia the use of a syringe with water is recommendable (see below). |
Discussion: |
This exercise is no swallow exercise! In its intentions it resembles the exercise pair TONGUE-PLOP and FROZEN PLOP but in its structure and through the partial step “Swallow” it rather leads in the direction of a swallow exercise. The exercise pair mentioned above is therefore effective as a pre-exercise for the here discussed one. Furthermore this offers alternatives for the case that one of the side reflexes can not be executed as a Mnemonic. Equally this exercise may gain the effect of a Mnemonic as a pre-exercise for the ,ZIP’-or the ,1-2-3'- EXERCISE. Like all Mnemonics it aught to be replaced through a more aimed measure. As distinct from the ,ZIP’-Exercise or the MOUSE-SQUEAK here the stream of air is not sucked in by sinking the oral diaphragm but through the sucking of the lungs. For step one it should be commented in respect to the Mandibula support that it is relevant for the ,ZIP’-EXERCISE as well as for the whole swallow-reflex the Mandibula being moved upwards simultaneous to the sucking-in to get antagonistic tooth contact. This may also be used as the starting point when in an Adductor-Hyperactivity the mandible has to be braced against the skull employing the tongue body instead of the molar teeth. Step 1 instead of 1a enables the setting of a MNEMONIC by inhibiting the else consensual lip closure. In respect of the timing it should be noted that more than five beats per sequence might lead to cramping especially when the mouth is dry. MARVIN HANSON frequently is working with a pipette. In principal this equipment will facilitate the aimed release of a few drops of liquid through a small opening. This may be done with a dash bottle, a small disposable syringe but very well with a small pipette as obtainable in the dental requirements. The use of these devices has besides the practical effect an additional playful-motivating one. In our case about five drops of water will be dropped behind the lower lip to provide an easier swallowing. As the liquid will be slurped laterally past the tongue the method can equally be used for an orientating training for the FROZEN PLOP. A varied modification including an increase of the training requirements is offered through the executing of the exercise with a drinking straw held simultaneously in the mouth in a transversal manner simultaneously (see also HOLD A STICK). Furthermore the here discussed exercise resembles the ,CHA'-SWALLOW-EXERCISE (see ,CHA’, paragraph “Discussion) however having a more complicated course of practicing as in this case motion elements are passing of in an oppositedirection. This makes the exercise effective as an INCREASE-ARRANGEMENT. As in the here discussed exercise air stream and muscle action are pointing into an inward-upward direction the air stream in the ,CHA'- SWALLOW–EXERCISE is pointing outwards, the muscle action down. It should here be minded the muscle action not as well being directed outwards meaning a proverted tendency, contradicting the practicing goal. |
Instructions: |
An auxiliary action, it is designed to help the tongue to get to its work station. That is to say, it will only then be able to swallow correctly if it is allowed to take up driver's seat. Let us check this mow! First of all the tongue will have to get to its POINT. There it tacks down and does not let go again. Now slurp as if sucking up a drink. Even a few drops of some liquid may be dropped in front of the lower incisors just to make things easier. And now : SLURP, the air comes in trough between the teeth. The tongue still clings to the POINT and GULP, the slurped-in is swallowed down. SLURP and GULP and repetition. You should, now, feel wilfully how the tongue is leaning wit its whole back in full length against the palate |