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063 exercise |
,CHA' |
Myofunktional Exercise Collection |
Application: |
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a. For the disoriented tongue with a tendenca for Proversion, protrusion or ectoversion and phonation problems with the phonem /s/. (Anatomy: 1. 2. 3, Page 21). The exercise emphasizes the sensitation and orientation as well as the cognisant control of the retral tongue part. (Anatomy: 1. 6, Page 31). |
Contents: |
Kinetic exercise presumably to control the tongue movement after leaving the POINT. |
Materials: |
Not requested. |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: (Slotted in directly ahead) WHISTLING KETTLE , air stream sensing while changing from phonem /s/ to /sh/ and feeling the retrally increasing tongue contact with the hard palate, perhaps the WORDEXERCISES 2. THIRD. |
-Starting position: POINTPOSTURE or ,L’-POSITION with the oral fissure open and a slightly hanging mandible. |
- Step-by-step-Description: |
-1 the tongue tip goes to the POINT and articulates ,T’, ,T’, ,T’…………….. -2 now let a long ,Sh’------------ come out hissing -3 which, all of a sudden, at a given signal, is interrupted with a short ,A’. Steps 1 + 2 + 3 = “CHA”! a The moment of the interruption is the most important in the whole exercise. The tongue, indeed, is varying its position in the vertical direction, but it must stray “not a millimetre “ sagittally and not at all to the front. This has to be checked! b The second way to carry out this exercise requires the putting together of the molar teeth with the ,Sh’ in step 2 and holding the position while counting. Only then follows step 3. c a variation with an additional step is the ,CHA’-SWALLOW-EXERCISE which will be treated in the paragraph “Discussion”. |
- Timing: See paragraph “Discussion”. With the carry-out of step b it may be advisable for step 2 to count slowly to five. This 5-second sequence may be coupled to a series with five iterations |
Characteristics: |
Advanced orientation and sensitation within a kinetic procedure, to some degree kinaesthetic. |
Remarks: |
Tendencies of protrusion should be prevented! |
Discussion: |
In other chapters respectively exercise descriptions has been repeatedly referred to this actual one; this especially when discussing the formation of the sounds ‚CHA’, ‚KA’ and ‚GA’. Quite a precise feeling is conveyed about the differentiation of the altered muscle actions when forming these sounds slowly and accurately one after the other. It will show that how the load of the tongue surface towards the palate is being shifted stepwise backwards. This fine differentiation can be used to guide the tongue movements specially in respect to the palatal regions.The actual exercise, now, may be used together with the WORDEXERCISES especially for the 2. THIRD. If in a certain training phase sequences shall be combined to an increase-series the following exercises may be put in a row:
First stage
Second stage
und for a potential third stage
(see below). For this follow-up it may be advisable to have reached the 3. tongue third in the general course of training. If, in the increase series, every exercise is put in as one sequence the growing enlargement of the contact of the tongue towards the palate during the proceeding can plainly be developed.
Choosing the series: ,S’ - ,CHA’ - ,GA’ should lent one muscle action about three seconds which practically makes a slow-motion action. This measure of time is well suitable for a precise schooling; later on it may be changed into a second beat. This may be, for example, done with ,S’ - ,CHA’ - ,GA’ - ,S’, - CHA' - ,GA'. To increase the grade of difficulty further afterwards the series may be run backwards or “mixed up” like: ,S' - ,GA' - ,CHA - ,GA' - CHA - ,S', or the procedure is “commanded” colourful jumble. The degree of difficulty is high but the degree of motivation and learning effect as well.
Regarding the two different execution forms a and b:
The aiming directions are slightly different. As with ,a' rather the feeling of an aimed tongue posture shall be explained ,b' rather resembles the ending of a swallow reflex succession with the loosening of the occlusion of the teeth in the adductor musculature respectively letting the tongue go from the palate. In this connection the controlled straining and relaxing may be of the Masseter musculature can be practiced under self-control like in the MASSETER-EXERCISE (cont-to-ten). In the carry-out the patient positions the finger tips on the skin of the mandibular angle feeling the swelling and shrinking of muscle venter.
This may offer the possibility to stop just
before the ,A' of the ,CH-A' when the muscle displays its belly now
varying the tension and at the same time its curve or respectively holding it
under counting.
In this stage the ,CHA' can be combined with the
a simplified pre-training using two MNEMONICS.
Recommended may be the REMINDER
Occasionally complications may be observed
concerning the air stream direction. The
Following the
sequence of execution from ,a' to b and c the training modalities
resemble the
In both cases it is the sense of the procedure to reconstruct the swallow
reflex using the
where with the exercise discussed here special
emphasis is lying on the retral tongue part. The steps 1 and 2 are carried out
followed by variation ,b' leaving out step 3. It is taken as granted that the
tongue position, now, corresponds exactly with that posture which should show at
the beginning of the swallow process commanding 'swallow now' ! interrupting the
,SCH' and, in the follow, finishing the exercise with step 3, the ,A'...
Inn connection with the partial steps ,KA' and ,GA' siehe auch HINTENKAUEN,(CHEW AT THE BACK), Discussion)
The tongue controls the complete room in the mouth - but it also must control itself..
Principally there is nearly now business for it in font of the POINT except it is looking for something and this is only in rare cases.
It goes to the point. As observed already from there it can speak the 'T' excellently. Let it do that several times: T - T - T - T......
After this it will stay as closely as possible at its POINT only, now, letting a stream of air trickle over its middle: "SCH"! The back teeth softly touch each other. And now comes the moment!
'A' it says in a very short and dry manner. Doing that it jolts quite a small distant downwards. Only down, never forward!
Just once again: 'T' - 'SSSCH' - aaand: 'A'! That's 'CHA'.
If we agrred about that we, now, do a chewing muscle feeling test: The finger tip sits on the ceek and . 'CHA'. Feel the chewing muscle belly which, if it has to become stronger, will be trained in that way. If you also have practiced that, you may even swallow in between: 'T' - 'SCH' - gulp - 'A'.
Repeat as often as agreed.