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018 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collection |
Application: |
no illustration |
This is meant as a set-up exercise (see “discussion”) when dealing with primarily rostral tongue problems when the tongue-tip is to be orientated towards the palate. |
Contents: |
MNEMONIC exercise for the tongue-tip, set-up exercise. |
Materials: |
Not requested, recommendable hand mirror in the beginning for self-control. |
Procedure: |
-Starting position: POINTPOSTURE |
- Step-by-step-Description: |
- Step-by-step- description: -1 The patient performs a series of plops. -2 Jointly it will be worked out to ‘freeze’ the action on the command “Stop!”. This is to happen just the moment, the tongue tares off from the palate to make the plop-sound. -2 Tongue STOP-FREEZE ! Breathe calmly and count to a given number then thaw up again and restart moving: Plop! |
-Timing: One step succession fills one sequence. As the exercise is not demanding there may be ten sequences put together. The counting out may be increased from ten up to fifty. |
Characteristics: |
MNEMONIC exercise, game exercise, static, motivation, orientation, (stretching), mobilization. |
Remarks: |
All motions should be carried out markedly, mouth wide open, tongue kept mostly slim. |
Discussion: |
Though the position is kept over a longer period this may not be called a habituation exercise because the tongue is kept at the palate not actively (muscular) but passively by the vacuum of sucking. This position is not originally physiologic and thus no authentic Myofunctional Exercise. It is to lead over to such like the principle of the MNEMONIC. By this a work-out is maintained presumably sensory (stereognosis) and mainly by habituating of a space perception but to a lesser part by texture stretching to the needed frame (mobility) as a basic condition for a physiologic functioning and its consequent habituation. This effect characterizes the so called MNEMONICS. The bridge function of the exercise leads from sucking over the increased stretching to the active holding in the HOLD-AND-PULL EXERCISE, so that here, too, the UNIT CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM can be used with the INCREASE-ARRANGEMENT: TONGUE-PLOP >FROZEN-PLOP > SUCK AND PULL und > HOLD-AND-PULL. The exercise refers presumably to the frontal part of the tongue. For a further construction the retral part is to be involved, for example with the RING-RETAINER exercises, the CAT’S HUNCHEBACK and the catchword about the seat-back. |
Instructions: |
Now the tongue will learn how to lean its back against the seat-back, the palate, over a long period. If you want to practice this you, at first, must be able to make the TONGUE-PLOP! To start with you do some Plops. And now, while the tongue leans firmly against her seat-back, has sucked against the palate for soon making the Plop, now Stop! (Freeze in the movement!) There the plop is frozen! Motionless! While you, now, keep on breezing calmly through your nose you go counting slowly to ten and then you thaw it up and - Plop! This is repeated ten times or as often, as we agreed – how often did we say? |