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Myofunktional Exercise  Collection


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This exercise will lead the body of the tongue in cases of a displaced action area towards the mouth floor as implication of muscle weakness, habit or textural limitation (shortened frenum) to a palatal orientation. The exercise aims at6 the extrinsic tongue musculsture (Anatomy, Area: 1.2.1, page 18 and 26).


As active hold and stretch exercise this application will achiev a tone increase of the mouth openers and a stretching of the tongue and mouth floor textures to gain a mobility in the required function frame. The exercise can be seen as pseudo-manipulated or as a MNEMONIC.


Not required.


- Previous exercises: Generally the sensibilization and orientation of the tongue tip should be completed previously ( see TONGUE-TIP-ORIENTATION). S direct preliminary practice and for the starting position the exercise FROZEN PLOP is recommendable. Favourably the menaing of the catchword CAT’S HUNCHED BACK should be explined.

-Starting position: The tongue tip holds the ,L’

- Step-by-step-description:

-1 The tongue sucks itselfe adhering into the CAT’S HUNCHED BACK  position on the palate while the mouth opens slightly. ( Is FROZEN PLOP chosen as starting position the step 1 may be spared.

-2 The mouth, now, steadily opens, wider and wider, the manible drawn downward, so far that:

-3 the tonguie is just still sticking to the palate (try and learn to feel). With this action the patient should feel the traction in the textures below the tongue.

-Timing:About the timing in the overall shedule see an notation in the paragraphs ,Previous exercises’ and ,Discussion’.

Oner sequence is given through holding the extreme positiion while counting ( for example to ten). About five seqiuences may be combined to form a series.

As a relaxation the  TONGUE-PLOP may be carried out.


Tactile kinesthesis, orientation, crude motor, rather static, mobility, stretching.


A pointed palatal arch might complicate the sucking up of the tongue.



It is advisable to employ the following general training course:

TONGUE-TIP-ORIENTATION >  ,L’-POSITION > TONGUE-PLOP>  FROZEN PLOP > SUCK AND PULL>  HOLD-AND-PULL feasibly TWO-RING-EXERCISE > exercises for the back third of the tongue (see also TONGUE EXERCISES).    

The exercises is frequently used as MNEMONIC and previous exercise for the  HOLD-AND-PULL EXERCISE from which it differs by the fact that the tongue muscles as well as the musculature of the Velum are staying passive. The latter making the exercise useful as well for pharyngeal muscle problems.


Hier lernt die Zunge, Klimmzüge zu machen.
Ausgangshaltung ist der SCHNALZER GEFROREN. Die Zungenspitze sitzt auf dem PUNKT und hat sich am Gaumen festgesaugt. Es wird weiter durch die Nase geatmet. Die Zungenspitze hält am PUNKT fest und drückt ihren Rücken in die Rückenlehne. Dabei darf sie sich nicht breitmachen. Sie bleibt die ganze Zeit am Gaumen festgesaugt.
Das hilft ihr jetzt, denn: Langsam geht der Mund auf, weiter - und weiter - und noch weiter. Mit der Zunge keinen Hängebauch machen! Der Unterkiefer zieht und zieht, bis sich die Zunge nicht mehr halten kann und von ihrem Sitz fällt. Plopp!
Wieder von vorn beginnen. Diesmal aber nur den Mund so weit aufmachen, dass die Zunge sich oben gerade noch halten kann. Bis 10 zählen, dann loslassen und pausieren. 5 mal wiederholen.
Wenn alles klappt, geht es mit der HALTE-UND-ZIEH-ÜBUNG weiter. Damit die Zunge in der Pause ihren Spass hat, darf sie ein paar Mal schnalzen.