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029 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collection |
Application: |
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This exercise is recommend as an educational lesson for the self control with stomatognathic syndrome cases including temporomandibular joint problems as well as the tendency of Mandibula protrusion |
Contents: |
The exercise demonstrates and offers the patient a possibility of self-control over the temporomandibular joints in rest and function. The term is a catchphrase for a correct posture. |
Materials: |
Not requested. |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: Not necessary, respectively: ,DRAWER-IN-EXERCISE (CHIN-IN), ,L-M-POSITION. |
-Ausgangshaltung: |
- Step-by-step-Description: -1 First on both sides of the face of the therapist two fingertips of both hands of the patient are postioned between cheekbone and ear (tragus point) to demonstrate the opening movement of the mouth with and without forwards slipping of the condyli the pea. -2 Thereupon the procedure is repeated at the head of the patient. - 3 The patient, under control of the Therapist, tries out several different positions and the - 4 the maximum mouth opening without forward migration of the PEA! Doing this, in the beginning the thumb may support the movement with the ,DRAWER-IN-EXERCISE. |
- Timing: The exercise is continued till the patient has comprehended feeling and holding back the condylus when moving the Mandibula. He, then, is instructed to repeat the control frequently over the day. |
Characteristics: |
Information, Self-monitoring, Orientation, Stand-by position, Coordination. |
Remarks: |
The rehearsal of the palpation will have to be carried out with proper prudence and precision; this is a typical exercise as a basis for the training, the sensitation of the patient. |
Discussion: |
The exercise provides the development of the correct ,M'-POSITION (,L-M) furthermore RESTPOSITION and thereby the BASIC-POSITION (see respective chapters) and represents the basis for the TM-joint exercises (JAW EXERCISES). It is specially applicable for practicing besides the training sessions. In the exercise OPEN AND CLOSE it had been hinted at the exercise discussed here in connection with the in the literature described strengthening of the Pterygoid muscles (Anatomy Area VII, page 31). In respect to other descriptions a hypertonicity of these muscles is responsible for the protrusion tendency of the mandible. An assessment of the different positions shall not be given here. The discussed Exercise THE PEA is shaped in manner that the physiological motion sequence of the Manibula opening is practiced. This means that during a minor mouth opening respectively a minor sinking of the mandible the condyles (capites articulorum) will not be moved forward; the movement proceeds around a imaginary rotation axis (hinge axis). Only when the movement is stressed extremely the condyles glide forward on their articular discs the PEA becomes palpable. The patient internalizes this term as a catchword to have it and the respective muscle action ready during the contemplation of the relaxing within the system. |
How do you open your mouth in a correct order?
To do that you put to finger tips in front of the ear, there where you can feel the PEA under your skin, the jaw joint.
With the normal open-and-close you shall not feel the PEA. If it, nevertheless comes rolling forward take the thumb of your other hand or the palm of the hand as with the DRAWER-IN EXERCISE holding the chin back while you, then, slowly open your mouth and, again shut it. Now the PEA should not role.
But then open wider and still a bit wider till the PEA just becomes touchable under your finger tips and stop.
Up to this point this is normal. Only sometimes when you are yawning or biting into an apple the PEA may exceptionally role forward.
So the correct sequence for a mouth opening means for the jaw hinges: Stay back till the boarder of the normal mouth opening and only for wide openings step forward.
There is just one other exception: If you want to grip something with your incisor teeth.
Several times a day you should control the backwards orientation of the PEA fingertips in front of the ear for sensing while the mouth softly opens and closes and the PEA stays back.