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Myofunktional Exercise  Collection


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This exercise can be put in as the last brick stone to build up the swallow procedure before the habituation. (Anatomy: 1, 3, 6, Page 25a).


Visual monitoring of the swallowing process regarding the tongue underside.


Two wooden spatulas (tongue spatula) are stuck together with some tape, hand-mirror.


- Previous exercises: ,1-2-3'-ÜBUNG.

-Starting position: Not defined, BASIC-POSITION or RESTPOSITION advisable.

- Step-by-step-description:

-1 The patient holds the two combined wooden spatula on one side into the wide opened mouth between the molars while his other hand holds the mirror for the visual control.


-2 Next can be proceeded in the BLANK SWALLOW mode or, in accordance to the SQUIRT AND SWALLOW, some water is squirted into the mouth with a pipette (see “Discussion”) as the molars are biting on the wooden spatula yielding a peep on the interior of the mouth through the resulting gap.


-3 During the proceeding muscle action the patient consciously watches under a proper illumination that neither

the tongue “belly” bulges, nor that the rim of the tongue stretches widthways.

This is the decisive part of the exercise.

-Timing: In the main therapy course this exercise ranges after the internalisation of the partial reflexes and previous to the start of the exercises for the coordination of the complete reflex course of swallowing. One run measure up to one sequence. There should be at least five sequences being added to build a series.


Motivation to a self-monitoring, reflex training, coordination, manipulation, kinetics, rather grosses motor skills.


This is the only exercise of its kind to control the lifting up of the tongue belly visually (besides being watched by the patient himself).


The  SQUIRT AND SWALLOW represents a variation of the ,1-2-3'-EXERCISE. It resembles the latter in its action course but gets a motivating game component through the detail of squirting some drops of water with a pipette into the mouth (see also  SLURP-AND-WALLOW).

The exercise offers several possibilities for a visual control, namely the palatal version of the tongue body (CAT’S HUNCHED BACK) or the conduct of the tongue rim in pressing widthways (SLENDER TONGUE). Details of the swallow reflex are not taken into account.

Furthermore the training mode may be integrated into other exercises as, for example, in the WATER CARRIER in step 4 to facilitate a certain performance control.



…….for the patient to perform the exercise.
The tongue should not perform a belly dance when swallowing.
You only ought to sit in a way that enough light shines into your mouth. Furthermore you might take a hand-mirror and with your other hand you shove the device taped together from two wooden spatula thus far into your mouth that they will get between the upper and lower back teeth when you are biting together. Next get some drops of water into your mouth, squirting or sucking it through a straw. Now comes the swallow. You may do that either with the ,1-2-3'as we practiced it before or in any other kind we may have chosen.
The main thing is to look just right through in between the teeth to watch to Things:
While swallowing the tongue should in no way extend sideways to push between the teeth. And no belly dance! The tongue should not arch its belly down or to the front. The back arching upwards like a purring cat.
Practice till it works!