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109 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collect ion |
Application: |
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This exercise is used for improving the mobility and motility of the superior wheel-spoke musculature sloping in from above into the Orbicularis near the mouth corner. This is mainly addressing the Cygomaticus (Anatomy: I/3, 6, 7, 8, 9; see also notes in paragraph “Discussion”). In the special carry-out this method is working well as a UNILATERAL EXERCISE particularly for disturbed functions of the motor skills in the target area. |
Contents: |
Physiotherapeutic classifications as dynamic, kinetic, static, habituation, coarse or fine motor function. |
Materials: |
Not obligatory, (hand-mirror for self-control). |
Procedure: |
For the described defunctionalizations in the beginning assistance should be given through a manipulation with the fingers pushing the soft tissues in the direction required at first by the therapist, later on to be taken over by the patient himself. - Previous exercises: Not obligatory. Favourable the knowledge of one of the STANDBY EXERCISES (training the stand-by tonicity, see link)(RESTPOSITION, ,L-M’, ,M’) which, then, is taken up as -- |
-Starting position: (see above). |
- Step-by-step-description: The step sequence does not require a description. The exercise is aimed at strengthening the mentioned muscle tracks. To gain this there should be repeated attempts to: -a take up the extreme position and, later on, hold it while counting (static / hold-exercise) (this is, where the index finger may help pushing in the beginning). The exercise may, as well, be carried out in the kinetic mode; -b under these conditions a continuous changeover is performed – left and right and left… and so on. This action will, then, be counted. |
-Timing: In the static mode the sequence is given by counting up to a given number; in the kinetic mode the sequence is formed by the preset number of actions. To build up a relaxing ALTERNATIVE EXERCISE a method will be required to strain the lip constrictors as, for example, the TRUNK-EXERCISE, ,O’ or CHERRYMOUTH. |
Characteristics: |
Motivation, mobility, myobalance, static, tone increasing. |
Remarks: |
The perioral musculature has got a series of exercises which, viewed superficially, resemble each other; in a considerate performing, though, they are addressing the discrete muscle fibre tracks, here the different radial ones (see below). A careful and differentiated execution should be minded already in the learning curve. |
Discussion: |
The muscle tracks leading in more medially are considered in the exercise DOGS GROWL. In contrast the NOSEWRINKLING centres on the in the chapter “Anatomy” described muscle tracks I/1 and 3. The sophistication of these three exercises for lifting up the upper lip in the broader sense has to taken in to account in the performance. Equally the current exercise should dissociate itself in its motion pattern against the WIDE GRIN where the mouth corner is solely pulled sideways. With adult patients we frequently observe a tendency for drooping mouth corners what may causally be dependent on the rich life experience but does not influence therapy. The current exercise conducted in the hold-mode may in this case take remedial action (antiageing exercise). |
Instructions: |
A smile lights up the face is the saying. Does it light it up even if it is cynical? It does not at all have to. We rather will have to train muscles, especially those pulling the corner of the mouth obliquely up exposing the canine tooth. This will work best if you only do it on one side of your face at a time, once left the right. To check on yourself you will have to have a neat look into the mirror to monitor the movements. We have chosen this exercise because your muscles do not pull up the corner of your mouth strongly enough. Mostly it is working better on one side then on the other. So the good side will lead the way and the other will try hard to imitate it in the same good mode. Try hard with that! If it is to demanding at the start the index finger may help slightly to push up the mouth corner in the desired direction. Later on the mouth will have to do it all by itself. Change sides always, twenty times to and fro. Then comes a break during which we may get some sort of diversion into the training and do the ,O’ or some sort of exercise that we have agreed upon. Then again the cynical smile. All together three times in a row or as often, as we have fixed. |