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114 exercise |
Myofunktional Exercise Collect ion |
Application: |
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This exercise is prescribed to improve the motility of the rostral part of the tongue especially with a prevalent downwards position of the tongue body or a stinted frenum. The exercise may as well be used for a tone raising.(Anatomy: Area II, Page 18) |
Contents: |
The exercise represents an aimed, monitored, coordinated fine motoric, circling course of motion. |
Materials: |
Hand mirror to monitor the action. |
Procedure: |
- Previous exercises: If the stretching of the frenulum linguae is intended the exercise TONGUE STRETCHING may be prescribed. |
-Starting position: The ,L’-POSITION is taken up, the mouth slightly opened. The degree of opening offers a possibility to raise the training intensity. The following movement is, at least in the beginning, monitored in the hand mirror. It should be carried out evenly flowing. |
- Step-by-step-description: -1The tongue tip gropes itself forward till the vermilion border (the borderline between skin to mucosa) in the middle beyond the nose (filtrum end). -2 It, then, follows the palpable rim once completely around in a circle back to the starting point. -3 The motion is, then, carried out in the opposite direction. |
-Timing: One circular movement should take up about two minutes and be repeated several times. This may add up to form a sequence of about ten repetitions. Several sequences will then be added to form a series. To gain an ALTERNATIVE EXERCISE| for a backing-up and to lower the hypertension the BAGGY TONGUE may be applied. A useful ALTERNATIVE EXERCISE aiming on tongue frenum stretching is the in contrast static exercise SUCK AND PULL or HOLD AND PULL. |
Characteristics: |
Motility, mobility, orientation, organ stereognosis, tactile kinaesthesia, motivation through self-monitoring, stretching, (unilateral exercise). |
Remarks: |
With a tendency to tongue pro- or extroversion as swell as with habitual lip licking this exercise may be contraindicated. In these cases the exercise CHEEKBUMP should be given preference. In the patient instruction the “exceptional” is emphasized; commonly we are anxious to make the patients restrict their tongue tip to stay behind the “magical borderline” of the incisal edges, see also exercise RAILING. |
Discussion: |
In case of neuromotoric breakdown signs the exercises as the here discussed LIPLICK or the comparable CHEEKBUMP are specially qualified. With unilateral significances they may, as well, be put in as UNILATERAL EXERCISE. Comparing the neuromotoric training effect of the tongue mobility exercises LIPLICK , CHEEKBUMP and BAGGY TONGUE will show the following distinguishing characteristics: Executing the exercise BAGGY TONGUE will require a high grade of motility thus being a comparably uncoordinated action carried out with a low tonicity which makes it especially qualified as a relaxation measure between demanding exercises.
The here discussed exerciseLIPLICKhas, compared to the CHEEKBUMP, the advantage to be controllable visually in its action and to show a stretching effect on the frenulum linguae. The CHEEKBUMP as carried out in the closed mouth hole seems to be more physiological making it at the same time less controllable. With this exercise at the same time the cheek tonicity may be enforced. In contrast to the others mentioned it is carried out plainly staticTEETHWIPING. Executing the LIPLICK the lips should be dried or greased after a longer training period. Additionally the patients should be informed about the fact that frequent lip licking normally should be avoided as wet lips in contrary to the desired effect will get dry and rough. Instead it should be recommended to treat the lips with a colourless lipstick. |
Instructions: |
How agile is your tongue tip?
The mouth opens. Therefore it at first reaches out to the outer lip rim below the nose. From there it follows the rim in a slow and evenly circular movement once around the whole mouth till getting back to the starting point. Then follows the other way round in the same slow and evenly manner in a circle to the starting point. Alternately clockwise and vice versa the tongue goes in circles, altogether ten times. Then it may have a rest. |