Start |
Contents |
MFT-Start |
to the Catalogue |
MFT-guide |
Catalogue |
Useful Tips and Suggestions for the Myofunctional Therapy |
Comprehensive Compreiew and Themes |
Myofunctional Therapy: Catalogue of the Exercises for the neuromuscular Function Regulation |
Introduction to the E-book | |
Survey | |
The Timing | |
Alphabetic Exercise Index | |
Basic Rules for a Course of Action | |
Lining up a Training Session - Timing - | |
Myofunctional Therapy: The craniocervicale Musculature; Anatomy, Physiology Pathophysiology and its Relaton to the Myofunctional Wxercises [ Presently only available in German ] |
Subdivision of the Muscle Regions; The Area Structuring | |
Area I - The Orofacial System [ Subdivisions: Physiology / characteristics/ muscular errant Reactions] |
Area II - The Tongue Musculature | |
Area III - Oral Diaphragm and Palatal Velum |
Area IV - The Suprahyoid Musculature |
Areas V - (VI) Subhyoid Musculature |
Area VII - The Masticarory Musculature |
Area VIII- The neck musculature |
Myofunctional Diagnostics, Special Catalogue of the "Diagnostic Exercises". |
Introduction | |
Short Instruction | |
"Diagnostic Exercises" Form, Page 1a,b and 2a,b | |
Illustration / Menu / Demonstration | |
"Diagnostic Exercises" The Philosophy | |
-The Function Tonometer---------- |
Illustration | |
Instrument Description | |
Instructions Of Use | |
Measuring Method / Statistic Evaluation | |
Therapy | |
Measuring: Form and Demonstration |